Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership may have a small Community Grant Fund balance available for small one-off projects that will improve the quality of life of local people.

If your project would like to apply, please get in touch with them through their website.  They are particularly keen to hear from organisations who have not applied in the past, or not recently.

The amount of money they have available for small grants is £26,301. They say it is unlikely that the maximum of £5,000 will be given out to one group except in special  circumstances.

They are looking for proposals to help tackle at least one of these priorities:

  • to increase Opportunities for All Ages to Participate in Physical Activity
  • to encourage Walking and Cycling to school
  • to encourage Better Community Use of Local Green Space
  • to positively Engage Young people

They have already approved these applications which leaves a balance of just under £9,000 :

  • Fet-Lor on behalf of Inverleith Summer Programme group – £1100
  • North West Carers to support a weekly young carers group m- £2436
  • Friends of Rocheid Path to plant native species – £3500
  • Blackhall Childrens Sports Club to support Blackhall SPorts Day – £500
  • Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre to celebrate their 21st anniversary- £1767
  • Junior Parkrun UK to organise junior parkruns in Inverleith Park – £3000
  • Broughton High School Association to support SeptemberFest – £888
  • Drylaw Rainbow Club to make kitchen improvements – £845
  • Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre to run a keep fit class – £360
  • The CHeyne Gang Choir to support choir for people with  breathing difficulties – £2400
  • Tanfield Bowling CLub to support a junior development programme – £554