7 summitsThe Cramond Association: Climbing the highest mountain in every continent. James Ogilvy talks about his experiences of climbing the 7 summits. 7.30pm, Monday 25th April, Millenium Room, Cramond Kirk Hall, Cramond Glebe Road. All welcome.

shakespeareJust William: to commemorate the 400 years since Shakespeare’s death, scholar and author Chris Rush celebrates the lasting legacy of the world’s greatest playwright. Rush also discusses his novel Will, a fictional biography of Shakespeare’s life. 6pm, Tuesday 26th April, National Library of Scotland, George IV Bridge. Free: book via eventbrite here or call 0131 623 3734.

architecture - drawings imageArchitects’ Conversations: a series of talks bringing together a number of Scotland’s architects with international architects to discuss shared themes, interests, and influences on how we shape the places around us. Today: All continuity of history is perpetual change – Richard Murphy (Richard Murphy Architects) and Paul Williams (Stanton Williams Architects) discuss working with history. 6.45pm (drinks reception from 6pm), Tuesday 26th April, Auditorium, National Museum of Scotland, Chambers Street. £6/£5: book online here or call 0300 123 6789.

Journeying-together1-page-001Journeying Together with the World’s Faiths: Living our faith – an interfaith panel in discussion. 7.30pm, Wednesday 27th April, St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral (please enter by Manor Place door), Palmerston Place. Free: all welcome – for more information and to register please email faithandgrowth@gmail.com.

The IolaireAn Iolaire: over 200 Lewis and Harris men drowned in sight of Stornaway harbour when the Iolaire sank in 1919. This event brings alive the tragic story. Professor Matthew MacIver (University of the Highlands and Islands) gives the introductory talk; Stenhouse Primary School and Tynecastle High School then give a performance of drama, Gaelic poetry and song in a new play by William Hershaw. 6pm, Wednesday 27th April, National Library of Scotland, George IV Bridge. Free: book via eventbrite here or call 0131 623 3734.

don paterson - murdo macleodThe Hugh MacDiarmid Lecture: ‘Adventures in rhythm: some curiosities of poetic metre’. Acclaimed poet Don Paterson will explore some of the most interesting and unusual features of poetic rhythm, metre and prosody. 6.30pm, Wednesday 27th April, Scottish Poetry Library, Crichton’s Close. Tickets £5/£4 from eventbrite here.

mungo-park-1Mungo Park, the Niger, and late enlightenment exploration: Charles Withers (University of Edinburgh) examines the exploration of the River Niger by the Scottish explorer. 6pm, Thursday 28th April, National Library of Scotland, George IV Bridge. Free: book via eventbrite here or call 0131 623 3734.

Elaine Pagels: Visions of the End: The Book of Revelation in Art, Music, and Politics. Elaine Pagels is the Harrington Spear Paine Professor of Religion at Princeton University, best known for her studies and writing on the Gnostic Gospels. The talk will be followed by an interview with Professor Pagels and a wine reception. 2.30pm, Saturday 30th April, Martin Hall, New College, University of Edinburgh, The Mound. Free, all welcome.

book of revelation

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