Families visiting Almond Valley Heritage Centre in Livingston the weekend of 15th and 16th of May are in for a world of dance, entertainment, food and craft! The amazing weekend of fun activities is Almond Valley’s involvement in the Festival of Museums 2015 which showcases a range of stimulating events taking place in museums and galleries across Scotland. The weekend spins into action on Friday evening with a fun family ceilidh and entertaining performances from the storytelling duo Mac-A-Story who will enthrall both young and old. After dancing the night away, the event continues on Saturday with Mac-A-Story once again taking centre stage to share their tall tales, shadow puppets and larger than life characters. In the afternoon, it’s tools at the ready to build a miner’s cottage out of clay to add to our table top miniature shale village!

The evening ceilidh is a ticket only event and tickets must be purchased in advance either via telephone (01506 414957) or in person at Almond Valley. Further information can be found by visiting the museum website http://www.almondvalley.co.uk

Submitted by Sarah Funch
