2014_02_05 City Chambers 4

Anti-cuts campaigners say that The City of Edinburgh Council’s draft budget proposals for 2015/6 will significantly damage services for those most in need.

They say they are also in fear of a steep deterioration in terms and conditions for council employees. Resistance to the budget will be organised at a public meeting to be held by community groups and trade unionists at the end of the month.

The Council is proposing cuts of £22m, as part of a three-year strategy that will inflict further cuts of £55m and £77m in the next two financial years. Campaigners will identify reductions to services for vulnerable people in the capital.

They say that they will challenge councillors on how they can support such cuts and still claim to be fulfilling their pledge when they took office in May 2012 to reduce poverty, inequality and deprivation in the city.

The meeting, which has been organised by a coalition of organisations including Edinburgh Anti Cuts Alliance, Edinburgh TUC, East Edinburgh Save our Services and UNITE Edinburgh Not For Profit Branch, will be held  at 7.00pm on Thursday 27 November 2014, at the Augustine United Church, George IV Bridge.

Everyone is welcome to attend.

More information from www.edinburghagainstcuts.org.uk

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