
Hundreds of students from all over Scotland will attend a psychology conference in the capital tomorrow.

Over 300 undergraduates will attend the packed event at Edinburgh Napier University’s Sighthill Campus.

Around 100 presentations will be given on research ranging from the impact of school experiences on adult mental health to the relationship between gambling and emotional intelligence.

The annual conference has been organised by Edinburgh Napier students and staff affiliated to the Scottish Branch of the British Psychological Society.

The keynote lecture will be given by Dr Kathy Charles, who will discuss the law’s impact on the emotional and psychological wellbeing of victims, witnesses and perpetrators of crime – and the challenges that presents for forensic psychology researchers.

A ‘Futures Fair’ at the event will also give students a chance to meet and network with potential employers and speak to representatives of professional bodies.

Professor Andrea Nolan, Principal of Edinburgh Napier University, said: “This is a wonderful opportunity for student researchers across Scotland to mix with their peers and learn about future career options.

“We place a high value on research and transferable employability skills at Edinburgh Napier, so it’s particularly pleasing that this year’s conference team have been able to add a careers fair element and networking opportunities to the programme.”

BPS President Dr Richard Mallows added: “Attending this conference is one of the highlights of my year. The creativity of young researchers is amazing and, for some, their project has been life changing.

“In using research skills, psychology students demonstrate literacy, numeracy and critical thinking skills so valuable in all walks of life.”

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John graduated from Telford College in 2010 with an HNC in Practical Journalism and since then he worked for the North Edinburgh News, The Southern Reporter, the Irish News Review and The Edinburgh Reporter. In addition he has been published in the Edinburgh Evening News and the Hibernian FC Programme.