

IT was in the gardens at Cockenzie House that the remnants of General Cope’s army surrendered to the Jacobites on 21st September 1745, and so it was entirely appropriate that Arran Paul Johnston, author of Blood Stain’d Fields – The Battles of East Lothian, should on Sunday afternoon deliver an inspiring illustrated lecture entitled The Road to Defeat: Johnnie Cope’s Last Campaign.

It is also entirely appropriate that The Battle of Prestonpans Tapestry should be on show at Cockenzie House over the coming months, give or take a mile from where the battle actually took place.
The theme continues on Friday 21st February with a Prestonpans Tapestry Film Night,7.30pm to 9.30pm, a special showing of Stitches for Charlie, detailing the making of the Tapestry with lively animation bringing the images to life.

On Sunday 2nd March, from 4pm – 6pm, the artist Andrew Crummie will be giving a talk on how he created his iconic masterpiece.
All comers are also welcome to Cockenzie House on Sunday 23rd March 2014 from 11am until 4pm to witness Jacobites and Redcoats return to fight for Johnnie Cope’s war chest. Presented by Allan Breck’s Regiment this will be a fun day out for all the family.

Submitted by Roddy Martine
