Centre hits the 16,000 mark for attendees in the last year


Since registering the number of people who attend our Centre on a daily basis, which we started doing in October 2012, we have in the past year noted 16,278 people attending the Centre for our Extensive Activity Programme. These figures can be seen on our website.

We have been instrumental in delivering Learning Outcomes in the past 12 months – totalling 25,920.5 Hours !!

These figures do not include the ESOL programme, which in its own right is extensive, or the countless meetings that have taken place or the hundreds of parties nor Café users using our computer suite.

Sometimes you just have to stand up and be quite proud of the success this small, but community orientated team and their partners, have achieved. We would be delighted to publish any comments to this post from any person reading these facts.

See “Leave a Reply” box at the bottom of the ”News” post on http://www.muirhousecommunitycentre.co.uk or tweet your comments to us.
Why don’t you call in after you have checked our extensive programme via our website. Everyone is welcome. Please join us in our well stocked and friendly internet cafe. All entrances are fully accessible.

Submitted by Jim McGinty


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