COLCircles of Love, St Andrew’s and St George’s West, George St 7:10pm and 8:40pm, until 10 Aug, £10 (£8 concessions)

Having seen Edinburgh Music Theatre Company perform ‘How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying’ earlier this year, there was a suspicion that, if the group had gelled as well as they had in March, Circles of Love would be just as successful. Indeed it is.

The show features what must be the most scintillating start to any Fringe offering this year – no spoilers to be revealed here. After the opening number, a collection of Disney and non-Disney classics are fused together and performed with varying degrees of talent – the ‘varying scale’ beginning with excellent, and only going upwards.

The colourful cast (below) not only prove their physical abilities by singing to an exceptional standard, but they have successfully incorporated British Sign Language into the production. This inclusive element adds to the passion delivered throughout the show. A solidified plot with dialogue could have improved Circles of Love furthermore, but the cleverley organised songs means it still works well.


Photo: EMT

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