This morning some of the the by-election candidates took to the streets of Edinburgh to join the annual Bike Breakfast held in the forecourt of the Council City Chambers. Those present were Derek Howie (SNP) on the tandem with Robert Gormley, John Knox (Lib Dems), Alys Mumford (Greens) and Bill Cook Labour).

Their route was designed to highlight some of the difficulties experienced by cyclists on a daily basis whilst traveling on the city roads. Liberton High School was the start point for the short 15 minute journey to partake in the get together.

Derek Howie said, ”What a unique experience traveling through the city on a tandem. It’s fantastic to have so many cyclist meet here to raise their concerns further. This is one of the issues that has been raised on the doorsteps during the campaign. It was great for me to be able to experience what concerns are being raised. Cycle-ways are one of the many points I have already raised with the relevant council bodies. Concerns and worries are not party specific and I see it as key to a Councillors role to act on behalf of their constituents and help them wherever possible.

Hopefully I can carry on these cases I have highlighted already should I be elected on Thursday. If successful, I will be a full-time Councillor so I am fortunate in that sense that As this is not a second job for me I will have more time to aid the people of Liberton Gilmerton.”

The election on Ward 16 is tomorrow, Thursday 20th June with the result confirmed the following day after the count in City Chambers.

Submitted by Neil Hay
