Wild animals have overrun Holyrood Park – or at least they will tomorrow, Sunday 28 April.

The ‘Holyrood Swagger’ will see participants take part in a 5k walk around Arthur’s Seat whilst wearing their finest fancy dress. The event is organised by the Multiple Sclerosis Scotland Society in the hope of raising awareness and valuable funds.

Fundraising and event’s organiser, Angela Cassidy, explains why the public should go along this weekend:-

‘It’s going to be a real fun day out and it’s for all ages. We’ve got a lot going on. We’ve got Castle FM coming to do a road show, we’ve got Sarah from Fitness Chicks doing a warm up and it’s hopefully going to raise a lot of money for a real good cause.’

MS is the most common disabling neurological conditions to affect young adults and it is estimated that 10,500 Scots have already been diagnosed.

The charity is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year and they hope to continue their research to find a cure. Currently funds are used to support sufferers across Scotland and provide information about every aspect of MS. The charity depends on fundraising and volunteers to help raise awareness about this condition.

Anyone that is interested can meet in the car park of Holyrood Palace on Sunday the 26th of March from 1pm onward. For more information, please head to http://www.mssociety.org.uk/scotland

Submitted by Sarah Vesty
