Mice – Cycling – Iain Banks – Panda News – Local Government Elections

A newsagents shop on Hanover Street has been fined at Edinburgh Sheriff Court for evidence of mice report the BBC.


Beautiful sunny day here in Edinburgh although the temperature is an unseasonable low of minus 1. So what can you get up to today in the city? Well the Edinburgh International Science Festival has many events throughout the day, but tonight at Waterstone’s George Street Iain Banks new novel, Stonemouth, is being launched from 6.00p.m. You need a ticket but can get one by emailing the bookshop


Cycle Safety events continue today at King’s buildings between 11a.m. and 2p.m. Organised by the Streets Ahead Partnership including Lothian and Borders Police, this is the road show that accompanies Drive Safe, Cycle Safe. You will be given advice on safety and also offered the chance to have your bike security marked.


Sorry, Sweetie, he may be your Sunshine, but it appears there has to be more action than there was in the Panda House at Edinburgh Zoo if we are to get panda cubs. The Zoo reported that all attempts yesterday were unsuccessful, notwithstanding that both pandas have bred successfully before.

A Zoo spokesperson said last night:-“The pandas met again twice this evening and on their first meeting came closer than ever before to mating.  If Tian Tian’s hormones are still partially elevated, we may put Tian Tian and Yang Guang together for one last time early tomorrow morning.”

Some of the playful headlines have to be seen to be believed. We will publish those on our Scoop.it! page of Today’s Edinburgh News. 


Do you know who you are going to vote for in the upcoming council election on 3 May 2012? Well you can have a look at our comprehensive list of candidates arranged by ward. This will link you to the individual’s profile page.