Council meeting – World’s End Murders – EnLIGHTen – Edinburgh International Festival – Morphsuits


The full council meets for the penultimate time today. Not too much on the agenda but you never know so we will be there and will let you know if there is anything important decided. It may be that the last throes of the administration try to put the decisions back now even to the meeting in April in view of the impending elections.

If you are a candidate at the May election and you have not been in touch with us as yet could we ask you to email us  We would like to form a comprehensive list of those standing as far as possible before the cut off date for nominations on 29 March 2012.


The World’s End pub on the High Street will forever be connected with the murders of two young girls back in the 1970s. It now seems that due to the change in the double jeopardy laws, it could be possible to try Angus Sinclair a second time on a murder charge. Scotland on Sunday has more.


An update from the EnLIGHTen Team:-

“We’ve launched a photo competition in partnership with the online photo community blipfoto to kick off our final weekend. The winning photo capturing enLIGHTen will win £100 cash prize. Full details can be found here. Please do spread the word to anyone and everyone you can!

We’re gearing up for the final days of enLIGHTen. Things are coming together nicely and we’re busily gathering up public responses and images to capture this amazing and complex project. We’ll be in touch soon about feedback and debriefs, but if there’s anything you’d still like to see – or if you’ve had any ideas about how to make our closing weekend extra special – then do get in touch with the team.

And if you’re free, we’ll be giving another free tour of all the project sites tonight at 7pm. Come along if you can – last week’s group was a splendid bunch of 40!”


The official Edinburgh International Festival was launched yesterday with great passion and gusto by Festival Director Jonathan Mills. We have our selection of what you might like to see and book when the booking system opens in a day or two.


Amid all the bad news about business The Daily Record has some good news of the three Edinburgh University lads who now find themselves running a company with a turnover of £10m based on those suits that you saw at last year’s Fringe launch. Morphsuits are now de rigeur at certain events!


And as usual if there is anything you think we or our readers should know then please add your comments below!