Seafish Invites Attendance at a ‘Discussion with Industry’ Meeting in Edinburgh

Seafish, the authority on seafood, is inviting representatives from Scotland’s fishing industry to participate in further discussions about the vision and strategy for the future of the organisation.

The meeting on Wednesday, 29 February 2012 at the Seafish office in Edinburgh is just one in the latest batch of discussions, which follow an initial round of workshops last October.

Seafish Chief Executive, Paul Williams, commented:- “On behalf of the organisation, I would like to thank industry for their recognition of the value of Seafish, and their strong support for our continuation. We are hopeful this round of meetings will be as well-supported and attended as those in October, and look forward to building on the open, honest dialogue that has been established during this process.”

Recently, Seafish welcomed the publication of a report by Defra in response to the organisation’s Discussion with Industry process to date. The report details the response from the four UK Fisheries Administrations following workshops held around the UK in October and written feedback received by Seafish from industry.

The meeting will start at 11:00 and will last approximately 1.5 hours. Representatives of the industry interested in attending should register with Seafish by emailing  or calling Tricia Jordan on: 01472 252 317.