The weekly list of planning applications for the week beginning 9 January is now available online on the council planning portal. We have had a look and here are some of the more interesting proposals:-


Kirkliston Orchard Nursery is looking to expand its premises and the car park at Newliston Road.


James Gillespie’s School is planning to decant their pupils to temporary buildings while the school is being rebuilt, and seeks permission for the temporary portacabins.

Edinburgh Academy is planning the relocation of existing double storey modular classrooms to adjacent playground, modular classrooms on new site will be single storey.

An application by Planning Permission in Principle for residential development with associated roads, parking, landscaping and access for land 50 Metres East Of Alnwickhill Reservoir Liberton Gardens Edinburgh was already approved in June last year subject to some further consultation. It appears that the applicant for the development is Scottish Water.


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