The sky’s the limit for one exceptional Stevenson College Edinburgh student.

Inspirational Leon Hutchison was awarded the coveted College Candidate of the Year title in this year’s SQA Star Awards.

The 20-year-old, from the Gyle area of Edinburgh, secured the prize after impressing the panel with his many achievements since beginning his studies at Stevenson College Edinburgh in 2007.

Having struggled with dyslexia throughout his school days, Leon began an NC in Office Experience at Stevenson. It was there that Leon was introduced to the Student Support Service, who helped develop a learning strategy for him.

After completing his NC, Leon returned to employment before reaching his star potential by successfully completing the new and very popular HNC Events course at the college. Leon is now studying the HND Events Management qualification at Stevenson College Edinburgh.

Leon was presented with his award at a wonderful ceremony hosted by television’s Kaye Adams, and was thrilled with the accolade.

Aspirational Leon hopes to go on to university and credits Stevenson College Edinburgh for contributing toward his rise to success.

He said: “It was such a surprise to win – I never thought I would.

“As soon as my name was called I was so excited and it shows that all the work I have put in really did matter when it came to judging the award category.

“The help from Stevenson College Edinburgh has been fantastic in the years I’ve been there and definitely contributed towards me winning this award.”

Kind hearted Leon also played his part for charity as part of a team of Stevenson events students who raised over £2400 for Shelter Scotland earlier this year.

Associate Principal of Business, Administration and Languages at Stevenson College Edinburgh, Alison Chambers, said: “Leon is an inspirational student who has overcome severe dyslexia to attain huge achievement in both his personal and vocational development.

“He is a highly enthusiastic, positive and motivated young man who has shown his qualities time and time again throughout his studies at the College.

“We are absolutely delighted that his achievements and perseverance have been recognised by the SQA and we know that he has a bright future.

Cabinet Secretary for Culture and External Affairs, Fiona Hyslop MSP also attended the awards to celebrate the achievement of the young people and praised their attainments.

She said: “May I extend my congratulations to all the winners and those who have been highly commended in the SQA Star Awards this year.

“They can all be immensely proud of their achievements.

“It’s great to be involved in an event that recognises the skills and qualities of the people who have excelled and made such a worthwhile and positive impact on Scottish education.”