It’s an opportunity not to be missed for all aspiring singers – your chance to be part of The Edinburgh Festival Chorus.

Anyone interested can attend an open rehearsal of the Chorus directed by Chorus Master Christopher Bell on Tuesday 25 October, before signing up to audition.

The Edinburgh Festival Chorus comprises around 120 singers from all walks of life, who travel from all over Scotland to take part. Rehearsals take place on Tuesday evenings from October to June and throughout the Festival period. And for anyone who can’t commit to the full schedule of rehearsals, there’s still the opportunity to enlist as an extra for large-scale pieces.

Full-time Chorus members take part in Festival concerts, and there are also touring and recording opportunities. Recent performances involving the Chorus have included Elgar’s Dream of Gerontius with the Hallé and Mark Elder (2009) and Mahler’s Symphony no.3 with Mariss Jansons and the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra (2010).

Edinburgh Festival Chorus open rehearsal
Tuesday 25 October, 7-9.30pm
The Hub, Castlehill, Edinburgh

To take part in the open rehearsal and potentially audition for the Chorus, please contact Chorus Manager, Helen MacLeod on 0131 473 2027 or