Actually the butler will do anything….

The Reporter was doing some roving photography on Saturday on The Royal Mile and chanced upon Fletcher the Butler. Here he is in all his glory and we are sure you will agree that he would be an asset to any household. He is part of a group of butlers (What does one call a group of butlers – a butlery?) who are available for this week only to answer your every whim.  And the novel part is that they will undertake any task, within the normal legal and moral boundaries, for free. So if you are having a dinner party or a drinks party and fancy impressing the neighbours then you really must get a butler for the evening!

Fletcher the Butler (mp3)

You can contact them on Twitter or by phone. Their individual telephone numbers are available on their website. And Fletcher gives you his phone number at the end of his interview after which he accompanied The Reporter to the bus as it was raining….with his umbrella of course!


And here he is with his colleagues all of whom could help make life much sweeter for you this week….



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