Edinburgh is to host its inaugural Festival of Sport from 6 to 19 June 2011. The festival aims to provide a number of opportunities for locals to get active through the city’s sport clubs and facilities, and to encourage people to engage in a generally more healthy and active lifestyle.

The festival gives sports clubs in Edinburgh the opportunity to showcase their coaching programmes or run their own small festivals or competitions that can be included in the programme.

Clubs can get involved in many other ways, including opening up a normal coaching session to the public, an event or game the club already has planned during the period in June, or hold a club open day.

New sports have been added to the festival this year, including water polo, gym sessions for older people,  a ‘defy gravity’ workout, and a foam fencing match day to provide something for every taste and age group. During the festival, a number of large group and spectator events  will be organised such as a Roller Girls Derby, (Remember the Auld Reekie Roller Girls?) a Cycling Grand Prix and the Race for Life.

The festival is supported and promoted through the cooperation of Activcity, Edinburgh Leisure, The City of Edinburgh Council, ClubSportEdinburgh, sportscotland, Scottish Borders and the East, West and Midlothian Councils.

Here is a promotional video to whet your appetite

If you want to get involved then email activcity@edinburgh.gov.uk

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