Owners in around 100 tenement stairs in Edinburgh are being directed to alternative property managers.

The move is happening as the Council-run Edinburgh Stair Partnership (ESP) starts to close its operation over the next two years.

All contractual obligations with ESP will be honoured. Clients are being directed to find an alternative property manager through the Property Managers Association Scotland or the property management arm of registered charity Dunedin Canmore.

A council spokesman said: “The Council has had to make difficult budget decisions to save over £90m in the next three years. Protecting essential frontline services, particularly for vulnerable people who need our help, is a priority.

“Through ESP owners have taken a positive and proactive approach to managing repairs and maintenance to their homes. All current contracts will be honoured and we hope clients will find suitable alternative property managers.”

The projected cost to the Council for providing this service in the current financial year is expected to be around £343,000.

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