Contemporary Prints by Tracey Emin, Damian Hirst, Peter Doig, Gary Hume, Ian Davenport, Bernd and Hilla Becher and Jake and Dinos Chapman.

Included in this show of contemporary prints are works by artists associated with the Goldsmiths College of Art in London; either tutors, or students who emerged at the end of the 80s obtaining critical acclaim for their collective approach to producing sensationalist work at a time of cultural change, gesturing towards anxieties about a post-gender, post-identity or post-human future.  This link marks an era in which artists have used video, film, photography, drawing, printmaking, recognisable materials and objects to express their ideas about contemporary subjects.  Their approach can also be considered a form of documentation, a method by which Bernd and Hill Becher, a German artist couple whose suite of lithographs also appear in this show, produced photographic representations of industrial architecture for nearly 40 years and influenced a generation of conceptual artists and photographers.  Throughout time, artists have sought to utilise new and innovative approaches to record and narrate their response to what they believe to be a moment of ‘change’ in popular culture, society, environment or a way of thinking.

This show of etchings, screenprints and lithographs draws together artists commonly linked by their aim to actively engage the spectator in the experience of observing a world they have witnessed.  Amongst this collection of original prints are works by the Chapman brothers, Michael Craig Martin, Damian Hirst and others, and features a work by Turner Prize nominee Tracey Emin, titled No Substitute for your Love.