Following his critically-acclaimed debut at last year’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe, John returns this year with his brand-new show all about escaping from life’s tricky situations.

John’s beautifully candid 2016 debut show International Man of Leather won the hearts of audiences and critics alike and went on to tour the world. This year he looks back on the decade he spent as an amateur escapologist. It all began when he was tied up by missionaries on a Welsh beach and ended with him tying up Michael Fassbender in Assassin’s Creed. He will also look at how the rules of escapology might be useful in solving other problems like Michael Gove.

 John Pendal won the 25th ‘International Mr Leather’ contest in Chicago in May 2003 (the only Briton ever to have won the title). That led to appearances in 10 countries and 17 American States giving speeches and hosting fundraisers and leather contests.

He turned to stand-up comedy in 2010 and since then has performed across the UK from Falmouth to Edinburgh, as well as one-hour shows in Atlanta, Chicago, Cleveland, Denver, Edmonton, Melbourne and Rome.

He was a finalist in both the Laughing Horse New Act of the Year 2015 and Old Comedian of the Year 2016.

Tickets here

Venue:            The Stand – Stand 4 (Venue 12)

Dates:              2nd to 27th August 2016 (not 3rd or 14th)

Time:               4.45pm (5.45pm)

Box office:      0131 558 9005


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Author of The Team for Me - 50 Years of Following Hearts. Runs Mind Generating Success, a successful therapy practice in Edinburgh. Contact me if you want rid of any unwanted habits. Twitter @Mike1874