Edinburgh Bloggers

This is a living list, meaning that it needs input from you. So please get in touch if you are an Edinburgh blogger, if you know an Edinburgh blogger or if you enjoy reading one.

We would love to hear from you in particular if you would like to write an article for us or send us an article from your blog for publication.

EdinBraw is a locals’ guide to the best of Edinburgh.
Gary and Gemma have been blogging their way around the capital since 2013, trying to find the city’s best food, drink and events. EdinBraw started out as a personal journal and a way to stop taking Edinburgh for granted. As a result, Gary and Gemma rekindled their love of Edinburgh, they see the city through the eyes of a tourist and developed a passion for Edinburgh’s thriving food and drink scene.

Jemma Porter is a foodie blogger. You will find her here JemmaEatWorld Ok yes we know you are wondering why! The author explained:-“My blog’s called Jemma Eat World (because my name’s Jemma, I like food, and I like the band Jimmy Eat World; brilliant, I know) and it’s a foodie blog. Usually I focus on small, new, and unusual places around the city as well as commenting on general things that are going on in Edinburgh too.”

Fran Armour blogs on the Oh Mammy  site. She says:-“I write a parenting blog called Oh Mammy and am based in Edinburgh. Passionate about the city, I write on education, parenting, life in the city and parenting a child with additional support needs (autism). My partner and I  will finally be taking the plunge in the summer of 2013 and getting married here in Edinburgh, with the city featuring prominently in the theme.”

Oh Mammy is a successful website within the online parenting community, but Fran would really love to have a strong Edinburgh contingent as part of her readership. There are no other parent blogs set within Edinburgh so please check her out.

David Rintoul blogs as Mister Tollcross. 

Here is what he tells us about himself :-

I live in the centre of Tollcross and I am interested in golf, Origami, toolmaking, fretwork, photography, cycling, many different crafts and improving the area of Tollcross.

I am a member of the Bruntsfield Short Hole Golf Club.

I shop local for all my daily needs. I use the Farmers’ Market when needed for a few extras, mainly fresh fish.

I publish three Websites, Tollcross Online, Tollcross Community Council and the Bruntsfield Short Hole Golf Club site.

In recognition of my work in the Tollcross area the City of Edinburgh Council, Lord Provost George Grubb, presented me with the Sir William Y Darling Bequest for Good Citizenship in 2009.

I am on Twitter as Mister Tollcross.

Emily Dodd blogs on Aunty Emily  Emily does so many things it is difficult to explain easily, but safe to say she is a poet, musician, scientist, environmentalist, podcaster and blogger extraordinaire.

Ali George blogs under 12 books in 12 months

Bombardier Blue is the mascot of the One o’clock Gun and Time Ball Association. He is a Yorkshire Terrier who says:-

I’m kept very busy, attending events and rubbing shoulders with the city’s dignitaries. Colonel Huthwaite the commanding officer of 105th Regiment,  Royal Artillery (Volunteers) promoted me to bombardier on 4th October 2010 at Edinburgh Castle. I’m proud to wear my dark blue coat edged with red (the regimental colours of the Royal Artillery) decorated on either side with my stripes and the gold embroidered badge of the One O’Clock Gun & Time Ball Association.

The Edinburgh Old Town Cryer keeps its readers up to date with some news of the area. Their self-description is as follows:-

Hi this blog does not necessary reflect all the thoughts and feelings of the Edinburgh Old Town Development Trust.

The Trust was set up in 2009 in response to residents wanting a voice in the Old Town and to take positive action in creating and architecting our own developments from small pieces of action to ultimately owning our own assets. Every resident or small business owner is welcome to join but so are all those that love the Old Town of Edinburgh and can see beyond its potential as a “night time economy or tourist destination”

Edinburgh Cycle Chic is a photo blog designed to show you the cyclists who do not wear Lycra…..

Kim Harding is also interested principally in all things on two cycle wheels. Particularly he is interested in cycle safety, or the lack of it.  He writes here about a range of issues on The Ubiquitous Blog.

Although she has now moved to Hertfordshire, Dorky Mum is still blogging about Edinburgh. She is compiling her own list of interesting things in the capital.

Nadine Pierce is EatingEdinburgh and says that since starting her blog she has put on a stone….. Anyway, next time we meet her we are going to take her for a walk rather than a coffee and cake…. đŸ™‚

Here is what Nadine says about herself:-

“So you want to know a little about me? I’m a 30(something) country lass, originally from North Devon, who’s found herself turned semi ‘city slicker’ in Edinburgh, one of the most beautiful cities in the World. (just a shame about the weather!)

I work hard and play hard too which often results in eating out in some of Edinburgh’s many great restaurants, bars and cafĂ©s. Having a passion for Global cuisine as well as writing I’ve decided to blog about the places I visit and give a candid review from a ‘Joe Public’ perspective.

Come Dine With Me (& some of my friends) and I hope you’ll enjoy it!”

Edinburgh Sketcher, Mark Kirkham, draws a picture every day of something he sees in Edinburgh…..using a wide range of mediums including ink, watercolour, pencil, oil paint, charcoal and collage.

He says:-“I am an illustrator living in Edinburgh. This is daily sketch blog of life in and around Scotland’s beautiful capital. Recent doodle and many more can be found in the gallery on my website.”

Edinburgh Coffee Lovers review and rate coffee in Edinburgh. There. Simple.

Ros Gasson has a photography blog here.

My Home Supper Club is a labour of love. A pop up dining experience in someone’s living room. She describes herself as follows:-“I am a

  • party loving homebody
  • day-dreaming realist
  • independently minded people pleaser
  • country loving city girl
  • lover of tradition in hot pursuit of the next big thing

Qualifications for running a supper club

None whatsoever. I love to cook, eat, feed and party. I’m hoping that this will be enough to wing it.” From the reviews it certainly seems to be!

Tom Hall writes The Scottish Football Blog. He told us:-“I recently completed a 24 hour “blogathon” in aid of Alzheimer Scotland and the Homeless World Cup, writing 24 blog posts and over 16,000 words.

Despite that, I plan to continue blogging on the wonderful (at times) world of Scottish football.”

Cecilia Pear Tree says:-“I am based in Edinburgh and have my main blog here. I don’t always write about Edinburgh and if I do, it is usually to complain about the weather!
By day I work in an art gallery and for the rest of the time I multi-task writing novels, chairing a committee and helping to make props for a local theatre group. I am on twitter as @ceciliapeartree, which refers to my mystery-writing pen-name.
The Lord Provost, The Rt Hon Donald Wilson, has a blog where he plans to keep us all up to date with what he gets up to during his time in office. It is not updated every day, but it is a good overview of what he gets up to!