Involving kids in the house cleaning activities is not easy but it is necessary. It teaches them valuable life skills, by the time they become expert in managing households and it will be easier for them when they will have a home of their own. Cleanings seem boring so the parents should make this activity enjoyable or give them rewards for cleaning each task. In this guide, we will explore some fun strategies to involve kids in household chores, fostering teamwork and a clean living environment.

  • Dress Up

Kids like to make fake scenarios. So you can ask them to pretend like a house cleaner or a superman who cleans the house in five minutes. And for girls you can ask can a fairy princess help in tidying up? It will be like a fun activity for them and they will help you with all the cleaning chores.

  • Set A Time

This is also a great method to involve your kids in cleaning chores. Since they are competitive, you can use this by setting a timeline and challenging them to complete the task within the time. Create a sense of urgency. While considering this as a game they will clean the whole house.

  • Play Music

Music naturally uplifts the mood. If you play their favorite songs it will motivate your kids to clean up while dancing without even realizing that they are doing a physically demanding task. This way they will enjoy cleaning. After cleaning Learn more about hiring rubbish removal services, to make the cleanup successful.

Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash
Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash
  • Rewards

Kids love receiving rewards. You can make charts of house chores and place some stickers on them. Allow them to paste the stickers in front of the chores they have done. Children like pasting stickers, just to get the stickers they will work hurriedly. You can also add up other creative rewards such as chocolates, outings, or playing their favorite games.

  • Race

Blew up the whistle and make the cleaning task a race. Motivate them whoever completes the task first will get rewards. But make sure the cleaning you are asking them to do doesn’t include any breakable items. They may break things while in a hurry. If you are taking some days off from cleaning Click Here to hire house clearance services. With their years of experience, they can perform the cleaning tasks seamlessly.

  • Guess Game

If the cleaning is among multiple kids. You can set up the guessing game. In this game, one kid will clean up a thing and the other will have to guess which things were removed from their place and cleaned.

  • Shark Attack

In this game, one kid will be the shark. He will have to turn away from everyone else and close their eyes. Others will place the toys back there without making any movement otherwise the shark will find them and the caught person will have to become the shark then!


Cleaning is a daunting and boring task for kids. But to train them you have to make it enjoyable. Don’t just focus on your girl’s cleaning skills, boys should also know the cleaning tips. It will help them when they will start their own life in their own houses. 

To make the cleaning process fun you can consider playing songs, giving rewards, setting a timeline, making it a race, making cleaning games, or dressing them up to give them the feel of a fictional character. These fun tips will motivate them to do the tasks efficiently. While you are teaching them valuable skills. If you have focused on providing your kids with such skills then start from today!