ICR Vets Pentland recently held a pets first aid evening at their Pentland Clinic.
The interactive session was led by the practice’s vets and nurses with more than 50 members of the public in attendance. The attendees learned about first aid for dogs and cats, and practical bandaging and CPR.
The vets wanted to ensure that everyone learned basic skills to recognise an emergency, how to keep the pet calm and life saving techniques.
Dr Rachel Roper MRCVS, Branch Manager of ICR Vets Pentland & Balerno said: “Emergencies can happen at any time, so we need to ask ourselves ‘Could I cope in a pet medical emergency?’ The aim of the first aid session was to provide pet owners with knowledge and skills to manage pet emergencies while they seek veterinary help for their pet. We aimed to ensure that as well as being fun, the session was also very informative to ensure that participants left feeling confident and able to cope, should they find their pet in an emergency situation. The whole team has really enjoyed the evening, and the support from the local community has been outstanding. We wish to thank everyone who came along, and hope to run future similar events for the pet owners of Currie & Balerno.”

Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.