Valencia Communities Trust has stepped in to help replace the leaky church hall roof at St Peter’s Lutton Place.  Hundreds of local people will benefit each week.

Congregation and other community users are celebrating the award of grants from two trusts –  £25,000 from Valencia Communities Trust and £3,000 from Benefact Trust which will help fund a new roof on the large, well used hall just off South Clerk Street.

St Peter’s Rector, Rev Nick Wills said: “We are so grateful to Valencia Community Trust and Benefact Trust.

“Hundreds of people from our church and wider community meet here every week.  Over recent years our congregation has invested a lot of money ourselves into refurbishing our hall and rooms.   They are now accessible and a resource for many different community organisations.”

The current hall was built in 1937 to replace an older 19th century hall on the site.  The extensive halls and meeting rooms at Lutton Place have been upgraded in recent years to be more energy efficient and comfortable.

Mark Denholm from Pinnacle Roofing specialists, who won the competitive tender to renew and upgrade the roof said: “The new slate is of a heritage style, over an improved, modern ventilation system. This re roof should serve well in the years to come.”

Kate Langer, Tailor Ed Foundation, runs a playgroup for children with autism and their families at St Peter’s hall. She said: “The hall works well for the families we support. It is a good size for children who may be feeling anxious. It is also warm, pleasant and accessible in a central location, convenient for many of the families that we work with. So many families we work with, find it difficult to access a safe space with activities appropriate for their kids. At St Peter’s they can come and know their kids will have fun and parents can relax a little. Parents have also really benefitted from networks created at these sessions.”

Reverend Nick Wills and Mark Denholm
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