Take a foodie trip down Gracemount Mansion’s memory lane with local storyteller Jane Mather while enjoying a free hot lunch.

Jane will be exploring traditional Scottish recipes from F Marian McNeil and the culinary history of the Mansion’s walled gardens, including the connections between St Andrew, St Triduana and local wells. Visitors are encouraged to bring along their own favourite childhood recipes to have them featured in a recipe book.  

The event is part of Gracemount Mansion Development Trust’s (GMDT’s) living heritage programme – to celebrate the living heritage of the 18th century Gracemount Mansion. GMDT’s  long-term goal is to renovate and re-open the Mansion as a much-needed community hub for the people of Gracemount/Liberton, Edinburgh and beyond. 

Ian Murray, MP, said: “The greater South Edinburgh area is growing at an incredible rate. Thousands of new homes are being built with little thought about community facilities and basic services. A reopened and renovated Gracemount Mansion would serve this new community, as well as acting as a focal point for new and existing residents in the area; promoting community cohesion, a sense of place and a facility that local people can use and be proud of.” 

Local Councillor Martha Mattos Coellho recently visited the Mansion and said: “I am looking forward to history being made in my ward with the development and reopening of Gracemount Mansion.”

The team at Gracemount Mansion Development Trust say they warmly welcome all ages of visitors to this family-friendly event. 

  • Friday 24th November 
  • 12-2.30pm
  • Gracemount Mansion grounds, top of Gracemount House Drive 



This event is funded by the Heritage Lottery scheme and storyteller is funded by the Scottish Storytelling Centre. Lunch is provided by Scran Academy.