
The plumbing job, although it might sound pretty easy, can be quite dangerous. Hence, if you want to keep yourself safe, I would suggest you get insurance as soon as you can.

But, hereā€™s the thing.

As a plumber, itā€™s best if you donā€™t go for normal insurance. Instead, Iā€™d ask you to choose an option that fits right in your alleyway – the plumbers public liability insurance.

In this article, I will tell you about what it may or may not cover and how beneficial it will be for you. So, without any further ado, letā€™s begin.

But Waitā€¦ What is Plumbing Insurance?

Plumbing insurance usually works like any other type of work-related insurance. However, it can also come with several elements that may help you save your business from lawsuits and financial liabilities. Here are a few issues that it can save you from –

1. Protection from Accidents

Picture this: a plumber is fixing a leak in your bathroom, and accidentally knocks over a pricey piece of artwork. If they have public liability insurance, you’re covered! This insurance helps foot the bill for any accidental damage caused during the course of their work.

2. Bodily Injury Coverage

Nobody wants to think about it, but accidents can happen. If, for example, a plumber slips and falls while working on your property, their public liability insurance can cover their medical expenses. It’s like a safety net for both you and the professional you’ve hired.

3. Property Damage

Let’s say a plumber is replacing a pipe and accidentally punctures a water line, causing some damage. No worries! Public liability insurance steps in to cover the costs of repairs or replacements. This means you’re not left with a hefty bill for their unintentional slip-up.

4. Legal Costs

In a worst-case scenario, if any legal claim arises due to an incident involving the plumber’s work, this insurance can help cover the legal fees. It’s like having a lawyer on standby, just in case things go south and you have to call the authorities for assistance.

5. Peace of Mind

Knowing that a plumber has public liability insurance provides a level of assurance for both parties involved. It shows that the professional takes their work seriously and is prepared for any unexpected situations. It doesnā€™t really fall under the ā€˜coverageā€™

Who Does Need Plumbing Insurance?

Almost anyone can get plumbing insurance, as long as they are working in the spectrum. Here are a few people who can opt for this option –

  • Septic system worker
  • Plumbing business owners and contractors
  • Sprinkler installer
  • Sewer hookup contractor
  • Sump pump servicing and installation contractor
  • Home developer, builder, and renovator
  • Handyperson

But, hereā€™s the thing. Your state or city may require you to have an additional insurance policy in order to continue working as a plumber. So it might be better to get more information about these before you make a move in your career.

Note: If you’re the employer, I’d ask you to check your plumber’s insurance thoroughly before taking another step. The more careful you are, the better.

The Bottom Line

Public liability insurance, as a whole, is highly beneficial for both you and the person who has hired you. For one, you have a safety net in case an unfortunate accident happens. And where you are working, the individual is also protected from any sort of unforeseen expenses.

If you are the employer, I’d ask you to always hire someone who has insurance in hand. It will seem like a sign of a true professional who cares about their clients and their work.

It is just the extra layer of protection that perfectly suits both you and the personā€™s life.