More and more part-time businesses are looking to go full scale into an online store. This can be demanding and stressful. But as long as you remember why you are doing it, it’ll be easier to stay focused despite the challenges. The key reason why many people seek to scale their online stores is to earn the equivalent of a full-time salary. They start small to bring in extra money but realize that this is insufficient for their needs.
Simply having more of the current product will not turn a part-time hustle into a fully-fledged business. New strategies are needed. So, we have provided a guide on scaling your business.
Type of Products
You will attract more customers by increasing the product selection in your Shopify business to answer the needs of a wider audience. For example, if you only cater to Android users, you are losing out on consumers who prefer Apple. Adding new products over time will allow you to expand and sell more items that consumers want.
Cross-selling is an effective way to increase sales. By promoting one or two complementary items with your main product, you are more likely to find consumers who want a bundle. It also acts to broaden your target audience who are initially interested in the complementary items. Thus, more sales and upscaling are both achieved. Remember to include a discount for customers who opt for a bundle, and you will realize your aims.
Upgrade Your Shopify Store’s Website
Examine your Shopify store’s website to see the kind of experience it gives to your target audience. Does it encourage consumers to make sales? Let’s look at how you can do this:
Achieve Better Loading Speeds
Customers will be discouraged from exploring your website if it takes a long time to load. This may be due to large image files that you can compress to save storage space. Just make sure that your images remain clear.
Avoid redirections and loading errors. A 404 error could indicate that you have a broken link that needs fixing. Reduce the number of slides as it takes longer for animated content to load.
Design a Better Layout
A Shopify store needs an organized layout that leads to easy-to-use calls to action. It should flow in a logical manner. Additionally, users must be able to navigate it with ease.
Shopify Apps
Use Expande technology to get the best Shopify apps for your business. Remember that you don’t need every available app, only those that allow you to scale your business at the pace that is right for you. Over time, you can add new ones and remove those you no longer need.
Improve Your Descriptions of Products
Customers need to grasp your product descriptions on your website and in Google (etc.) product ads. Check all the descriptions for clarity and conciseness. If a good description is too long, use a video to demonstrate how the product is to be used.
Optimize Your Site Across Devices
Many users abandon their carts without completing a purchase. One reason is that shipping fees are considered too high. Get the best possible rate from dropshipping suppliers. Likewise, if there is a long shipping delay, the customer may prefer to get the product elsewhere. Have a fair returns policy.
Also, simplify your payment processes. A buyer is more likely to insert incorrect information that causes further delays. Improve the site’s security so that your customers have peace of mind.
With this guide, you can simplify the journey from side hustle to scaling your on-line store.