Make Music Day
Today is Make Music Day and there will be music of all kinds in the libraries all over the city including Corstorphine, Muirhouse, Gilmerton, Craigmillar, Portobello and Stockbridge.
There are simple rules to the day – events must take place today and must be free to take part in and watch, and they must involve music.
At Central Library the foyer and lending room will ring to the sound of music from 2pm/ The programme includes Drookit, the Folk Band, Edinburgh Mandolin and Guitar Orchestra, Sangstream, the Edinburgh Police Choir and The University of the 3rd Age Ukulele Band, Folk Duo Alex and Jane, Little Big Horns, Derrick Vellera and Nicolas Chim.
At Leith Library the Girls Rock School will perform along with Suffrajitsu and Elsie MacDonald. Portobello Library will have Bria Mason and AmaVoxAz. Corstorphine Library will have the Corstorphine Singers a recently formed choir, and two events with singer songwriter Craig Lithgow. At Stockbridge the fabulous Anna Durkacz and the Professors of Logic will perform as well as the Scots Music Group, Elspeth Porter and two of her colleagues playing traditional music.
Later in the day at Gilmerton Library there will be music from Polonez to soothe the way to the end of the day.
Bookbug sessions at Piershill and Corstorphine at 2pm, Drumbraem Newington and Portobello at 10.30am and Wester Hailes at 11am.
And a reminder that the libraries also have some instruments to lend as well as books.
Final council meeting before summer recess
The full council of 63 councillors meets tomorrow for the last time before the summer recesss. The next meeting is at the end of August, which always seems strange as the Festival is still in full swing.
The papers for the meeting and details of how to watch online are here.
The Council Leader has to produce a monthly report for each meeting on which he can be questioned by colleagues from all parties. You can read his round up of current council news here:
Leith Late
Leith Late is back next week. From 30 June to 2 July the multi arts festival will bring street poetry, performance art, exhibitions, films, DJs, live music, experimental sound and art installations to the hottest destination in town, the Republic of Leith. This is a festival with a very different and varied programme.
Our top picks include the Granton Séance Performance at Mote 102 at 102 Ferry Road on 30 June from 6 to 8pm – for all ages, The Arty Party with music from maniatrix and .paperman as well as food trucks, projection art and you are also promised “good vibes”. On Sunday 2 July there is Police Box Poetry at the Leith Walk Police Box for 3-5 year olds hosted by Jj Fadaka.
The full programme is here where you can also access virtual audio tours.
The Royal Highland Show
The big agricultural show begins tomorrow and although there are tickets for Thursday and Sunday the organisers say that Friday and Saturday are already a sell out. With 55,000 tickets available for each day this will be a busy spot.
Preparations were underway on Tuesday as competitors from all over the world practiced for the Golden Shears World Sheep Shearing and Woolhandling Championships, taking place on Saturday and Sunday at The Royal Highland Show.
Teams from 30 countries around the world will battle it out in what is the pinnacle of shearing and woolhandling competition.
Tickets must be pre-booked online via the Royal Highland Show website:

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.