Photo by Edward Cisneros on Unsplash

Did you know the shape of your face reveals your personality traits? Wait, are you familiar with your face type? If you didn’t know, face profiling has existed for over 3000 years and originated in ancient China. 

Today, experts have rounded up six types of face shapes, yours included, and they can profile what type of a person you are. Are you ready to identify and learn your personality from your face shape? Keep reading.

Round Face

Round-shaped faces are characterized by a wide hairline and cheekbones. Besides, most look younger than their actual age, as if they have ‘a baby face’.

People with a round shape are considered kind, generous, nice, sweet, trustworthy, and nurturing. They prioritize other people’s happiness over their own, hence considered over-givers. 

But as great as their personality is, their soft-spoken nature makes them easy targets for narcissists. So, if you have a round-shaped face, remember that being selfless does not mean neglecting yourself. Always leave room to care for your needs as you do for others.  

Square Shape

Similar to a square’s proportionate sides, square-shaped faces have a broad forehead and jawline. It is as if the face’s length and width are equal. 

Persons with this face are immensely proactive, always undertaking huge projects. Some psychologists mention that people with square faces perform better financially and business-wise due to their competitive nature. 

Additionally, they are deeply rooted in their values and beliefs and can be conservative. You will have better luck convincing other face types but not the headstrong square faces. 

Oval Shape

Oval-shaped faces have zero corners. To put this into perspective, they have a wide forehead, prominent cheekbones, and a smoothly-curved chin, so the face appears slightly longer than wide. 

Oval-shaped individuals are highly intelligent, empathetic, and welcoming and know precisely what to say, which draws other people to their presence. But their carefully crafted words sometimes hinder them from speaking the truth because they feel they owe it to others to make them comfortable. 

Rectangle Face

Persons with a rectangular-shaped (or oblong) face have a squared-off hairline, a broad chin, and a wide jawline to resemble an elongated rectangle. 

They value logic over emotions, which pushes them to hide their pent-up emotions by overworking or working out in the gym.

These individuals also stay away from drama and maintain a practical life with a desire to achieve their goals. Besides, they are excellent planners as they hate crises and often overthink things.

Heart Face

It is also known as the inverted triangle shape, characterized by large foreheads and a narrow chin. 

As their name suggests, these people have big hearts, affectionate, and are social. They are also strong-minded, highly creative, ambitious, and energetic, with levels of oomph. Plus, they have a sharp memory and hate boredom. 

However, heart-shaped people can sometimes come off as stubborn and pushy when trying to express their strong minds.  

Diamond Face

What sets diamond faces apart is their pointed forehead, wide cheekbones, and pointed chin. Someone with a diamond face is detail-oriented, a perfectionist, and loves being in charge. They are precise in communication and will not hesitate to use sharp words when provoked. 

Diamond-shaped faces are sometimes labeled ‘difficult’ and ‘unpredictable’ because of their innate desire to produce quality work.  

Final Thoughts

We hope that you identified your face type and the personality traits associated with it. If you are unhappy with the shape of your face, you could try mewing. This non-surgical procedure has proven effective for most people and is worth trying. For best results, learn how to do mewing properly and practice often.