Going to pretty much any online casino will likely see you bombarded with games featuring our Irish cousins, complete with leprechauns and their famous pots of gold jumping out at you from everywhere. We Scots have been a lot more overlooked though, and finding a Scottish slot can actually be quite difficult.

We’ve trawled all the sites and searched every corner of the Internet and brought you our top picks for all those slots with a little bit of Scotland about them.

Photo by Ays Be on Unsplash


One of our most famous literary works is actually available in slot form now, as unlikely as that sounds. For those who need a quick refresher, Ivanhoe is a fictional tale of a disinherited Scottish knight fighting various foes for love and honour, even joined by King Richard and Robin Hood in some versions. The slot doesn’t give much of this away, mind you.

On first glance this looks a lot like a classic slot machine you might find in a pub, just with a bit of historical paint slapped on it. It does have a little more to it than that though with quite a substantial bonus game to it and a 3,000x top win, making it a good slot if not a great example of Scottish culture.


While this isn’t strictly Scottish, the lead character in this ’80s movie is a born and bred Scot in the Braveheart vein of things, so it counts. This is also the game on this list you’re most likely to see featured on an online casino list of games such as with MrQ or other British casinos, as it is easily the most high profile of the titles as it’s an officially licensed game.

While the slot design after the title screen is about as Scottish as Mel Gibson, going for that ’80s neon feel instead with all the movie cast members. As far as the game itself is concerned it’s quite a standard slot, with extra wilds landing across the board during any free spins that happen. Also, if you’re wondering why there’s no Braveheart slot here instead, it’s because the last one unfortunately went the way of Wallace himself a few years back.

Loch Ness Monster

Good old Nessie has done a lot better than most of the names on this list and actually features in several slots, although this one is the highest-quality title by a wide margin. It focuses on the ongoing hunt for the great beast with all the sensational new headlines and amateur photographers you’d expect.

Whether or not you believe in Nessie, the slot does do a great job of sending up the kind of hype and hysteria that it has generated over the decades. It’s also a solid slot in itself with a fun bonus mode full of multipliers and instant payouts.

So those are our picks for Scottish slots, or at least those with some connection to Scotland. Keep an eye out as these games come out every week, so the next Scot slot could be just around the corner.

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