Description: Greyhound racing, the sixth most popular spectator sport in the UK, is enjoyable, convenient, and family-friendly. Greyhound racing is still vital to our sporting scene because of its illustrious past and devoted following of all ages and socioeconomic groups. If you want to know more about the future of greyhound racing in the UK, pay complete attention until the end!

Does Greyhound Racing Have a Future in the UK?

Greyhound racing is a sanctioned, competitive sport where dogs are raced around a track. Track racing typically takes place on an oval track, and coursing, which is now prohibited in most nations, are the two types of greyhound racing. Greyhound racing is typically an amateur sport primarily for fun in many countries. Greyhound racing is similar to horse racing in other nations, including Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, the United Kingdom, and the United States, in that it is a form of gambling. Here we have also explained some strategies for betting on greyhound racing under the top 100 for Brit bettors!

Greyhound Racing in the UK: History

In the UK, greyhound racing is a popular sport. Unlike football, tennis, rugby, or cricket, it is not as popular with the general public. The industry uses a parimutuel betting tote system with both on-course and off-course betting options. Because fewer evening games are played these days, and more games are played during the day, attendance has dropped recently. However, the enthusiasm and dedication of greyhound racing trainers and spectators for their sport cannot be questioned. Given that it has been a fixture of British sports for almost a century, greyhound racing has a lengthy history.

The popularity of greyhound racing soared in the 1920s and 1930s because it gave working-class people access to bright lights, an exciting night out, and a tonne of betting options. The sport experienced tremendous growth in popularity. The first British greyhound meeting, where the dogs followed an artificial hare driven by electricity, occurred at Belle Vue, Manchester, on July 24, 1926. Within a decade, there were 200 tracks with a combined attendance of more than 32 million spectators annually.

American Charles Munn and Major Lyne-Dixson, two influential figures in coursing, brought the mechanical hare and oval track to Britain in 1926. With the General Strike of 1926 approaching, the two men searched the nation for additional allies but found it somewhat challenging. When they finally ran across Brigadier-General Critchley, he introduced them to Sir William Gentle. Together, they contributed £22,000 toward starting the Greyhound Racing Association. The first modern greyhound race in Great Britain was held at Belle Vue Stadium on July 24, 1926, in front of 1,700 people. Seven greyhounds competed in the oval-shaped race to catch an electric replica hare. The White City Stadium and Harringay Stadium in London were then quickly opened.

Is Greyhound Racing Becoming a Thing of the Past?

Although greyhound racing has been a vital component of British sports for almost a century, it is fair to argue that its future is questionable. Greyhound racing in the UK was generally expected to end with Wimbledon Stadium’s closure in 2017, although that prediction has not yet materialized. Given how many sites have closed, it is understandable that there are concerns about the future of greyhound racing in the UK. In the past, there were about 250 greyhound racetracks in the UK, several of which drew sizable audiences when they held meetings. Today, the Greyhound Board of Great Britain only has 21 sites licensed, underscoring the sport’s challenges. Greyhound racing is currently the sixth most popular spectator sport in the UK, despite the decline in stadiums that stage the sport.

We have discovered specific statistics that speak for themselves and emphasize the necessity to put an end to greyhound racing. According to data from the Greyhound Board of Great Britain (GBGB), between 2018 and 2021, legal greyhound racing resulted in almost 2,000 dog deaths and nearly 18,000 injuries, with additional injuries at independent tracks. Those shocking numbers highlight the sport’s grave harm to the canines that are compelled to participate. In the United Kingdom, official and unlicensed tracks both host greyhound racing. Twenty-one licensed tracks are overseen by the Greyhound Board of Great Britain (GBGB), which is also in charge of Scotland. Even before they are born, greyhounds are at a disadvantage. To produce the fastest dogs, tens of thousands of dogs are bred yearly (many more than are required for racing). Unwanted dogs are frequently destroyed cruelly, and those who make it through the industry must live in small boxes, pens, or fenced enclosures. Numerous racing canines sustain injuries while competing; according to state statistics, a racing greyhound passes away on a Florida track every three days. These gregarious animals are deprived of the chance to walk or play and are forced to spend most of their time alone in cages for 20 to 23 hours each day.

Greyhound Betting: Is it Profitable?

With each passing day, the internet gambling market becomes increasingly significant. Beyond what many people believed the business could do ten years ago, the online betting scene has changed and developed over the past ten years. Online betting is a business that has become somewhat of a global phenomenon. Some people might be surprised to learn that the UK betting industry is one of the biggest in the world, which is a fantastic accomplishment for such a little island.

Regarding greyhound racing betting, you can either support the winner or use a more complex approach in search of more excellent payouts. Greyhound racing betting is most frequently done in one of two ways: either you pick a dog and back it to win a specific race, or you back a dog to be placed to increase its chances of winning. Although your prizes will be less than if you pick a dog to win the race, it must put you in the top two. The sheer variety of alternatives accessible to you for each race is one of the main draws of placing bets on greyhounds. While you may be able to envisage placing a wager on which dog would win a competition, that is merely the tip of the betting markets at your disposal.

Strategies and Tips for Greyhound Betting

When placing a wager on greyhounds, there are no certainties. Even the fastest dogs sometimes encounter obstacles or fall short of expectations. Early speed and trapping prowess are two crucial characteristics bettors consider when wagering on dog racing in the UK. Numerous short-priced favorites have lost because they balked at the first turn, could not adjust to changing weather conditions, or for other reasons. There isn’t a formula you can use to predict which dog will win every race, but there are ways to increase your winnings and reduce your losses when betting on greyhound races. 

Therefore, 3 strategies you can follow to know how to win at greyhound betting: 

  • Finding valuable bets
  • Hedging on your bets
  • Arbitrage betting

Greyhound racing betting is open to everybody, but being a successful bettor requires knowledge and practice. But even if you’re starting, you may begin wagering more wisely by understanding a few crucial concepts and methods.

Below, you can find the tip for the best greyhound betting, all of which will help you improve your chances of winning:

  • Always research form
  • Consider the distance
  • Take advantage of promotions
  • Check the weather forecast


The only dog breed directly mentioned in the Bible is the greyhound. After cheetahs, greyhounds are the second-fastest animal on earth. Statistics show that greyhound racing holds plenty of interest for sports enthusiasts who account for a sizable share of domestic travel, even though the number of greyhound tracks in the UK has decreased significantly in recent years. But it is to be remembered that greyhounds are living creatures who deserve love and care. Therefore, greyhound racing can be ended via action, compassion, and education.

Author’s Bio: Rebecca Martin

Expert in sports betting at BetZillion with years of expertise, Rebecca Martin is a well-known personality in the online betting industry. Her broad expertise and experience are advantages in the betting sector. As a result, the situation is advantageous to you. With her assistance, you can win every bet.