Instant access to free online library

Do you know someone who would benefit from free access to ebooks, audiobooks and magazines, but who is not a member of the library?

This New Year you can get free instant access to Edinburgh Libraries Libby service without a library card ( Thousands of best-selling titles for adults, teens and children are available to read on your phone, tablet or computer. It’s a fantastic way to make the most of your electronic Christmas presents and to save money. Please spread the word to relatives and friends!

No library card? Edinburgh Libraries have that problem solved. For a month from 10 January if you are between 13 and 16 years old you can sign up for an Instant digital card in seconds. All you need is a mobile phone number and the access code – Library2go. To find out how to get started go to

The Instant digital card gives you access to Libby for three months.  However, you can keep on using the service for free by joining the library and receiving a permanent membership card. Join online through if you have any questions about the downloadable services.

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.