The Fall seems like the perfect time to work on yourself. It is ideally situated between the heated summer and the festive winter; something like a calm before and after the storm, the point in time where self-reflection and personal growth thrive. Livebeam is here to help you with your self-care this season, as we prepared a list of ideas to get you going.

The beauty of self-care is that it can all be done at your convenience. Those are actions you can take all by yourself in your private space or with friends if you deem it fit. The main goal is to get you to become a better and calmer version of yourself, making the right decisions and keeping a cool head. 

Photo by Boxed Water Is Better on Unsplash

These 5 carefully selected ways will set you on a path to personal development, ready for the coming year.

You would hear things like “You look so different now!”, “What’s your secret?”, “You have changed since we last met”. The 3rd point on our list is our personal favorite, however, all the ideas are very effective. 

Livebeam is a communication platform that has since upheld unfiltered and valuable expression, and we would take you on a journey through self-care ideas that will help promote your personal growth in what is arguably America’s favorite season – autumn. 

Let’s get right into it!

  1. Adopt a Healthier Lifestyle 

When It comes to promoting your health, two sectors stand out; exercise and diet. These 2 have several known and unknown effects. Their effect transcends all systems in the body, including your hormonal system.

Research shows that the Winter is the best time to exercise, but we all know how difficult it can be to get your body moving in the cold – well, not if you are used to it. Getting your body moving during the Autumn is a great way to get it in tune for a more productive Winter workout.

A great diet along with consistent exercise will keep your body in an optimum state. A proper diet develops the body and can also help to recover from addictions. There is more to a healthy lifestyle than diet and exercise, including quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy BMI, and going for regular medical screenings. When the body is healthy, the mind follows.

  1. Try Meditation and Yoga

Meditation is a case of “you won’t know it till you try it”. With a number of ways that meditation directly influences personal growth, this is one of the simplest ways to better yourself this Autumn. It influences your mood, your decisions, and your thinking.

Yoga adds some helpful postures to your meditations. You need to make sure that you are doing this in the right order to effectively gain the benefits. Learn the proper breathing techniques, positions, and ambiance necessary to put you in a state of mind that will create the changes you wish to see.

  1. Grown Healthy Friendships – A Livebeam Recommendation

 Personal growth is validated by others. It takes a second opinion to know that you have become a better version of yourself. Communication is the key to both earning this growth and displaying it, and Livebeam is structured to assist this communicative goal.

A valuable part of Livebeam is the online community. The community you put yourself in, as part of your self-care, is important in your personal growth – and that includes online. You may be tired of leaving the house after the long walks on the beach and the various outings during the summer, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop communicating.

By signing up on Livebeam, you may open yourself to healthy interactions that will fuel your growth. The platform is well-optimized to get you to improve the way you communicate both offline and online; leaving you with many possibilities on your personal growth journey 

  1. Put Yourself First 

This is where self-care is taken up a notch and elevated to self-compassion. In our push for personal development, we tend to look toward the satisfaction of others. We try to be there for them and help out, sometimes even to the detriment of our comfort. 

This Autumn, you should be your own priority. Cultivate the habit of asking yourself “What do I want?” before you take any step with the assistance of another. This is not going from selflessness to selfishness,  but rather making yourself the first point of care at all times. Do this long enough and there will be a skip in your step. What most people fail to understand is that it is easier to make others happy when you are happy. That’s why it’s important to put yourself first.

  1. Get Quality Sleep

It is only befitting to end the sequence with sleep. Before the roll-out of the duvets and heavy jackets for the winter, get some quality sleep in. Think about how you are when you do not get enough sleep; grumpy, red-eyed, and tired. Then, think about where you want to be when the year concludes; probably cheerful, overcoming procrastination and laziness, and attaining your goals. These totally contradict what you get after a bad night’s sleep.

As an adult, getting seven to nine hours of sleep should be the target. This will improve your energy for each day and get you ready to perform the various self-care tasks you have set for yourself. Your sleep duration may vary, but you know your body and what works – so, make it work.

In Conclusion 

Autumn is perfectly situated to get you thinking about your overall well-being before the festive and family period. Implementing the appropriate self-care ideas of a healthy lifestyle, communication, and sleep, along with the suitable additions of self-compassion and meditation will help create a routine for efficient personal development.If you are in need of a place to start the basics of this journey, you will find someone on Livebeam to socialize with and work towards it. In no time, you will be able to become a better version of yourself.