Having a property on Airbnb is an excellent way to make an extra income. If you have multiple properties or are leaving the country and do not wish to sell your home, registering it on Airbnb is an option worth considering.

Putting your property on Airbnb can provide you with the chance to make an extra income. If your property is in a highly desired area and has many of the amenities people desire, you could make a tidy profit.

Given the time of year, many people are looking for places they can go during school term time. This often means the cities are not as crowded and prices of transport and accommodation can be lower. As a new season approaches, those who own properties on Airbnb are preparing their spaces for the next influx of guests. One thing they will likely be trying to achieve is finding ways to welcome in more guests.

If you are looking for ways to increase your Airbnb occupancy rates next season, keep reading to find some tips that could help you accomplish this goal.

Look At Airbnb Management

Running an Airbnb is not as easy as it might sound. You have to keep your listing updated with quality images, a great description and answer queries from guests. These are factors that have to be done before a guest’s stay. During their stay, you have to be prepared for their arrival, have the check-in and check-out times and process ready, clean the property before and after their visit, and be on hand to answer queries or mend anything that breaks.

For example, if you have an Airbnb in the city of Edinburgh, you will likely get a fair bit of interest in your property. If it is in an excellent location, i.e. close to the centre, main areas or near the train stations, you will likely have tremendous interest from potential guests. You can use Airbnb management in Edinburgh services, like the ones from GuestReady, to increase the occupancy rates of your property. Additionally, utilising their services means you can unload the responsibilities of running an Airbnb onto them. Instead, you can focus on finding ways to improve your property and further help in gaining more guests.

Encourage Reviews From Guests

When guests look at places to stay, one thing that could change their decision is the reviews. Reading the reviews gives potential guests a glimpse into what it is like to stay at the property. They might even choose to share the photos they took during their visit. If you showcase quality photos with detailed descriptions of your property and have a sea of positive reviews from former guests, you will likely be the favoured choice by potential guests.

Seeing negative reviews on a property can deter some guests. Of course, some potential guests will consider the issues that guests had that led them to give a low marking. These issues might not both some people and might put off others. As you prepare for guests to stay, ensure that your property looks how it is listed on Airbnb. Implement ways to ensure guests have a comfortable and enjoyable stay – one they would return to and share with friends. After their visit, send a courtesy message thanking them for choosing your accommodation. You can also mention how it would be greatly appreciated if they left a positive review. 

Utilise Social Media 

Social media can be a valuable tool in business. When owning a holiday rental or an Airbnb, using social media to promote your property should be done regularly. One of the great advantages of social media is its ability to reach a vast audience. You can tailor your posts to target specific groups or offer them to all. Those looking to travel will likely look at social media and search where they are travelling to see what activities, sights or places to visit. This helps them to form a list and gain a basic understanding of where they are going.

During this social media search, they will likely look at potential accommodation options. Using social media to boost your Airbnb can help you to increase your chances of landing on the newsfeeds of potential guests. They might spend time looking at the information and photos you post of your Airbnb and mark it as being a potential place to stay. If they enjoy it, they might share it on social media, helping boost your Airbnb property profile.

The Bottom Line 

As the next season rapidly approaches, keep some of these tips in mind. Some of these could be helpful in enabling you to increase your Airbnb occupancy rates, allowing you to generate more income. More people are choosing Airbnb to find places to stay when travelling. Having a popular accommodation that is highly rated and visited can help you to attract more guests to consider staying. This further helps to fuel your increase in occupancy rates and, of course, increase your income.

Photo by Travis Grossen on Unsplash