In the past couple of years, the number of individuals turning to the internet for fun, entertainment,
news, education, and many more has increased. OTT or over-the-top video consumption continues to
rise, with predictions that the online streaming niche will be worth $124 billion in the next couple of
years. Companies are jumping on this trend to develop brand awareness and at the same time offer
value to their audience.
But, a lot of people are seizing this chance to monetize their content and develop OTT broadcasting
services of their own. Today we are going to talk about OTT streaming, the top 7 OTT solutions, and the
importance of finding the best OTT service provider.
So, what is OTT? Over the Top or OTT is a way of offering streaming content to spectators or viewers.
Over the Top content is offered straight to the user’s device without the demand for a cable connection.
This is just used for VOD streaming services, whereas it also refers to internet-based calling and audio
streaming services. Spectators will just need a stable online connection and the right device for
accessing this content.
What Makes It Important to Find a Good OTT Service
Views are channeling the conventional connections for accessing online content. Businesses are opting
for OTT platforms for online content streaming. OTT platforms companies are assisting businesses in the
market of their services and products for further market reach. You are able to show customized ads to
your clients with the assistance of an OTT platform.
Viewers choose OTT platforms for VOD streaming as it provides more choices as well as flexibility. You’ll
need to live up to the expectations of your customer for upscaling the OTT video business. Here are
some of the reasons you need to find a reliable OTT service provider.
Improve Interaction with Clients
Users use the OTT content for their schedules and terms. You’ll not be pressuring an interaction with
clients on an OTT platform. The fact that clients will be using the content in accordance with their terms,
you have a chance of interacting with prospects. Physical interaction techniques cannot cover many
locations at once- A good platform benefits companies by enabling them to interact with clients in many
places as well as times.
Improve Market Research
Approximately 50 million families all over the world are subscribing to OTT business provider. Many
clients who are eager to “cut the cord” are growing. With a perfect OTT service provider, you are able to
unlock a massive market. A good platform benefits businesses by offering the chance to draw audiences
irrespective of location. Also, you can attract other viewers from other counties with ease with
launching the OTT platform.
Improve Ad Engagement
OTT ads aren’t forced and clickable. If viewers click on the link, Over the Top platforms direct them to
the landing page. Launching a business plan will assist you in finding potential clients who are fascinated
by your business. A good platform can help you convert a potential client as opposed to conventional
marketing techniques.
Improved Return on Investment
A good platform is able to assist you in monetizing your content with ads and generating revenue. This
also enables you to connect to subscribers as well as convert them to prospects. Once you begin an OTT
business, you can generate profit from many geographic regions without visiting them.

Top OTT Solutions
1 Solution To Consider: OTT Monetization
There are lots of OTT monetization you can select from. Your decision must depend on your budget,
business goals, and target audience, as every model has its weakness and strengths.
● Easy to grow your audience
● Low customer acquisition costs
● Interruptive for customer experience
● Needs big viewership to become lucrative
2 Solution To Consider: OTT Middleware
This OTT solution allows you to handle your video content, create clients give support, run campaigns
and manage your products. Clients can pick from a wide collection of user interface templates to make
and design their own exceptional service.
● Allows the flow of real-time information access
● Make various kinds of network apps
● Range of application in an extensive array of software
● High development cost
● Some are not totally developed for utmost operations
3 Solution To Consider: OTT Application (App)
An OTT application provides branded streaming video content to viewers over the net using various
kinds of devices such as a tablet, smartphone, laptop as well as smart TV. This bypasses conventional
broadcast, satellite as well as a cable platform. This OTT app is considered the way that provides live or
on-demand video files to the audience; therefore, it streams on the connected laptop, TV, tablet as well
as smartphone. The app requires to be satisfactorily branded, have fast-to-find content as well as
provide a remarkable viewing experience. OTT app development will provide your audiences with a
high-end viewing experience in spite of how they like to watch
● Helps in converting viewers into paying
● Many OTT apps development companies to choose from
● Make your content accessible
● OTT apps development cost is relatively high
● OTT app helps convert viewers into paying
4 Solution To Consider: OTT Content Delivery Network (CDN)
A content delivery network, or CDN for short, refers to a system that assists OTT content reach the
audience in the most effective way possible. You are able to access video content on many platforms,
which include cable boxes, mobile phones, web browsers, tablets, gaming consoles and many others.
● Offer video with the best possible latency
● Customize catching rules
● High quality content
● There is an issue with security
5 Solution To Consider: OTT Digital Rights Management (DRM)
DRM is a set of measures that control how digitized content can be used by buyers to secure the rights
of copyright holders. The digital locks techniques prevent users from creating copies, lending as well as
modifying secured content that might include video and a whole lot more.
● The limitations of lending or copying digitized material make a wall against piracy and secure the
rights of the copying holder.
● Prevent illegal sharing makes sure that the developers make a high profit
● Copying content is not permitted even for backup
● Can’t access the video using many devices
6 Solution To Consider: OTT Packaging
OTT packaging refers to the audio or video conversion into a format that is particularly optimized for a
given playback device. The stream is in the suitable device format for video, audio, subtitles, DRM and a
whole lot more.
● Lessens storage needs server side
● Enables for future poof cloud DVR content
7 Solution To Consider: OTT Digital Asset Management (DAM)
Digital Asset Management or DAM for short functions like a database wherein you keep a record of
digital assets. The record saves information like format, name, as well as usage license.
● Improved media management
The perks of OTT platforms are plentiful for businesses. You must partner with a reliable OTT platform
provider who is able to offer you lifetime ownership of the OTT platform.