The bus arrived to block the warehouse door and the security gates shut behind that, so unless you had an invitation there was no way you would have been able to see Prime Minister Theresa May when she visited Edinburgh today.
Once she and Ruth Davidson the leader of the Scottish Conservatives bounded onto the small stage, the message was clear. No to a second independence referendum. But then that has been the message of the Conservative candidates in this election from the off, and she was preaching to the converted as the audience was made up of press and Tory activists. After a short speech she took a few questions from the press and sadly not from us. Then she was off. The assembled supporters were held back at the closed door of the warehouse until the bus was out of sight with its police escort, but they seemed enthused.

We spoke to local candidate Iain McGill who is the Conservative candidate in Edinburgh North and Leith. He said : “It is always nice to have the Prime Minister come to Edinburgh North and Leith, the best constituency in the whole land. I was very pleased to welcome Theresa May here. Do you know the Conservatives are on the resurgence here in Scotland? We are more and more relevant every day and we are going to send the SNP a clear message today. Scotland said no to a referendum. Now is not the time for another one. It was once in a generation, once in a lifetime and the Conservatives are going to get on with the day job, get on with governing.”
The Prime Minister said : “We can build that better Britain. We can work together for that stronger more prosperous future. Now what that means is we need to get the best deal from Brexit, bring back control of our money. our laws and our borders. But it is also about forging new trade deals for our goods and services across the globe, that global outward looking Britain.
“It’s about ensuring that we spread prosperity and wealth across the whole United Kingdom. That is what our modern industrial strategy is about. It’s about helping people with the cost of living by capping rip-off energy tariffs and of course it is about protecting our national security and defence. It is about dealing with the terrorists and standing up to the extremists. So I’m confident that we can build that stronger, fairer, more prosperous Britain. We have the plan, we have the vision, we have the leadership to do that. We can do that together but only the British people can give me and our party that mandate.
“And so my message to them is very simple. Give me the backing to lead Britain, give me the authority to speak for Britain. Strengthen my hand as I fight for Britain. Give me your backing and I will deliver for Britain.”
Prime Minister “We can build a better Britain” on her visit to Clockwork Removals earlier
— Edinburgh Reporter (@EdinReporter) June 5, 2017
Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.