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Following the sad passing of Nobel-winning playwright and actor Dario Fo, aged 90,  The Edinburgh Lyceum released a short statement from Artistic Director, David Greig.

Mr. Fo was recently due to make a personal appearance at The Lyceum, as part of the Dancing With Colours, Whipping With Words festival, but had to unfortunately withdraw due to ill health.

“Dario Fo was a great theatre maker. He forged a link between theatre, carnival and protest. Scottish theatre owes him a great debt. His methods and ideas fuel much of our work today. That’s why we wanted to honour him with a festival and to welcome him onto our stage to speak.

“We’re very sad he could not come, but proud that we at The Lyceum, and Scottish Theatre more generally, were able to demonstrate our affection and respect for The Maestro in his final days by planning and staging this festival. Our thoughts and wishes are with his family and colleagues.”