EdinburghGetsReadyForChristmas 6

Council planning meeting today

New Drink Driving limit

Jenson Button in Princes Street Gardens

Fostering Drop in Event

Holy Corner Open Air Nativity

The council’s planning committee meets today, and there will be at least one deputation having its say before the committee deals with its ordinary business.

The Southfield Residents Association will speak about item 7.1 on the agenda which is the proposed conservation area at Southfield Estate.

This has already been the subject of a consultation by the council and they are set to make their final decision today, so whether the deputation will be able to influence that decision is up to the committee members.

All of the committee papers are here.


Events are taking place north and south of the border to further increase awareness of the new drink drive limit in Scotland.

It’s part of a high-profile public information campaign which has been running from 17 November to ensure drivers are ready for the reduced alcohol limit coming into effect at 00:01 on Friday 5 December.

Mobile electronic road signs informing drivers of the new lower limit will be in key locations on border roads in Scotland, service stations in border areas are displaying information and a multi-media TV, video-on-demand and radio adverting campaign is in place.

The Scottish Parliament unanimously voted in favour of a law to lower the blood alcohol limit from 80mg in every 100ml of blood to 50mg in every 100ml of blood on November 18.

Just last week the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) published research showing that more than two-thirds (68 per cent) of people would like the Scottish drink-drive limit introduced across England and Wales.

Justice Secretary Michael Matheson said:

“Scotland will have a new lower drink drive limit from Friday, making our roads safer and saving lives.

“A public information campaign has been running to make sure drivers are informed. “Alcohol at any level will impair your ability to drive – even at the new limit you are three times more likely to die in a crash than with no alcohol in your system.

“This will bring Scotland into line with most of Europe. The evidence from the Republic of Ireland which has brought in the same lower limit suggests we will see convictions go down, reductions in drink driving and lower blood alcohol counts.

“We are leading the way across the UK – the new limit has backing from experts, road safety campaigners and the majority of the public north and south of the border.

“When it comes to drinking and driving our advice is simple, it’s just not worth it. Don’t put lives at risk, the best approach is to have no alcohol at all.”

Police Scotland Assistant Chief Constable Bernard Higgins said: “Our message is clear – don’t risk it and don’t drink and drive.

“Police Scotland is committed to keeping people safe. When the current drink drive limit is lowered on Friday, December 5 this will be a significant step towards improving safety on Scotland’s roads and we fully support the Scottish Government’s decision to lower it.

“Police Scotland will continue to work closely with our partners to ensure drivers understand the risk they pose to themselves and others if they drink, or take drugs, and drive.”

Michael McDonnell, Director of Road Safety Scotland, said:

“It’s almost 50 years since the current limit was introduced and that we still lose an average of 20 lives a year in Scotland is a disgrace. Evidence from across the world demonstrates that the best results in tackling drink-driving are achieved by lowering the limit, or increasing enforcement, or both.

“We know, too, that a combination of high-profile enforcement, coupled with a heavyweight media campaign is the most efficient use of resources, and we are working closely with Police Scotland and other partners to ensure that people know about the change to the limit and have no excuse.

“It’s not about catching more drink-drivers, but about preventing people from doing it in the first place. Ultimately, most of us have too much to lose, so it’s just not worth the risk.”


Just ahead of the day when our drink driving limit is reduced it is perhaps opportune that Formula 1 driver Jenson Button is on hand to remind us all of the perils of drinking and driving.

Later today in West Princes Street Gardens near the Ross Bandstand Button along with Mika Hakkinen and Kevin Magnussen are helping Diageo drive home their safety message which is called Join the Pact. Expect some classy driving with lots of doughnuts!

Join the Pact is the global responsible drinking initiative from Johnnie Walker, which has secured over one million personal commitments from people across the world, to never drink and drive. In doing this the firm then pay for 1km of public transport to ensure that partygoers can get home safely after the Hogmanay events in the city centre.

Join the Pact to never drink and drive by tweeting #GetHomeSafely to @JohnnieWalker_ or by visiting www.jointhepact.com

We hope to bring you some photos of the event later today.


If you are considering fostering then  get along to the council HQ tonight at Waverley Court to find out more from the social care workers involved in this area. The drop in event runs from 5 till 7pm.

More information here.


Holy Corner Nativity Play takes place this evening starting at 6.30pm from Starbucks on Colinton Road. Tickets are free but MUST be ordered from info@cuttingedgetheatre.co.uk


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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.