

Mother of Mikaeel Kular to appear in court – Health and Social Care Committee – ABsoLuTeLy win BBC Audio Award – TRIM AGM – Canal College

Rosdeep Adekoya, the 33 year-old mother of Mikaeel Kular will appear in court for the second time today. She was charged with his murder and attempting to defeat the ends of justice at a first appearance last week.  She made no plea or declaration and was remanded in custody.

The proceedings will be held in private with the purpose of committing the accused for trial at a later date. No further details of the circumstances of the case will be revealed at this point. If Ms Adekoya remains in custody then the trial must start within 110 days of today’s date to comply with criminal procedure.

Three year old Mikaeel was reported missing from his home in Ferry Gait Crescent by his mother sparking a search by hundreds of locals of the immediate area. The child’s body was found two days later in the back garden of a house in Kirkcaldy.


The Housing Committee will hear an update this morning on the Management Control Order which the council was granted in October last year in relation to two ‘party flats’ in Grove Street. This was an historic order as it was the first granted to any council in Scotland. The effect is to put the council in the place of the landlord in relation to the two properties.

Such action had been necessary due to continued complaints by neighbours about the way these flats were used by groups of up to 20 tenants at a time for stag and hen parties, causing ongoing upset for near neighbours.  They have said that their quality of life has been improved and a difference has been made.

At present the two properties are lying empty, but have now been inspected and assessed for any health and safety matters which need to be dealt with, but there are also ongoing legal issues. The landlord has not yet provided the council with all keys and details of bookings made in relation to the flats.

Other flats in Brandfield Street, Western Harbour, Featherhall Avenue, Holyrood Road, Lothian Road and Old Tolbooth Wynd are the subject of new investigations of a similar nature.


The company behind the award winning series ABsoLuTeLy won Best Scripted Comedy (Studio Audience) at the BBC Audio Awards announced on Sunday. 

The show Sketchorama: Absolutely Special, written by Pete Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy and John Sparkes, produced by Gus Beattie, Comedy Unit for BBC Radio 4 will be repeated on Radio 4 on 10 February 2014 at 11.00pm.

Why is this big Edinburgh news? Well it’s because they are largely Edinburgh locals who used the springboard of the Edinburgh Fringe to do big things like ABsoLuTeLy, mr don & mr george and a bit of writing for Spitting Image and Trigger Happy TV. Read more about what they do here on their website. The full list of award winners is here.

The Edinburgh Reporter sends them our congratulations!


Tenants and Residents in Muirhouse (TRIM) are holding an AGM on 11 February 2014 at 7.00pm within Muirhouse Community Centre (Millennium Centre)

“Come along and hear more abut TRIM, what we have been up to during the past 12 months and what we are planning for the year ahead.”


Canal College could be for you if you are aged between 16 and 25 and not in full time education or employment training. The College offers a 14 week course based around the canal between Falkirk and Edinburgh which will equip you with outdoor heritage skills. There are also sessions on employability training skills such as CV writing all designed to make the graduates more employable at the end of the 14 weeks.

More details here.