We sent our reluctant Fringe goer Barry out on the streets to see if he might be tempted to like the Fringe…


Today saw the official start of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, and as an Edinburgh resident and a self confessed un-liker (my mum always told me not to use the word hate) I bit the bullet as it were, and took my two children aged 7 & 10 to the High Street to have a look at what was going on. I was pleasantly surprised at what was on offer.

Jugglers, magicians, comedians, artists and musicians all over the place all vying for your attention and hoping you want to see their show.  The children were hoping to see a “flying Yoda” as I had heard that there was such a character situated outside the City Chambers, but alas he was not there. Undeterred we walked around among locals and tourists alike, everyone apparently enjoying all that was on offer.

One act caught our attention more than the others. It was an Australian man on a very high unicycle juggling fire sticks. This impressed not only the children but their cynical father too.  The man was a total delight to watch and his interaction with the crowd was very well done. Many, many people who had watched him rushed forward to put money into his hat and others were clamouring to get photographs and a chat with the performer, so we left to see what else was happening.

We watched a few more performers including a sword juggler and some acrobats and had a great time doing so. The children had a great time and at one point as a man dressed as a “devil” appeared my son ran over and asked if he could have his picture taken with him, this seemed bizarrely to be his favourite part of the day.

Normally I tend to avoid the Fringe and Festival but this year i decided i would see what all the fuss is about, and if the shows on the High Street are anything to go by, then I have missed out for many years.  As often happens with locals, if it’s on your doorstep you don’t go to see it.

The children and I  had a brilliant time and I am sure there are many visits to come.

Married Father of Three Great Children, Radio Presenting and Article/Review Writing As A Hobby. Lover Of Music and Like To Think I'm A Decent Guy.