Gavin Corbett is the Green Party candidate for Fountainbridge/Craiglockhart.

Fountainbridge / Craiglockhart Greens’ spokeperson and Council candidate is Gavin Corbett. Gavin, 46, has lived in Shandon in the heart  of the area for 20 years, with his wife and two young sons. Originally from Ayrshire, Gavin works as Head of Policy for housing charity Shelter Scotland.

He has been a community councillor, chair of his children’s school, the main founder of Shandon Local Food Group and a campaigner for responsible car-parking. He sits on the steering group on Fountainbridge Canalside Initiative and is a member of Friends of Harrison Park.

Email Gavin at

You can also follow Gavin on twitter @gavincorbett

And here is a copy of Gavin’s election leaflet:-

April Leaflet – Gavin Corbett – FC

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