Woman driver dies – Suzanne Pilley murder trial – Ghostly tourist attraction –  RBS – When to dial 999

A 38 year-old woman died last night after the car which she was driving collided with a wall in Gilmerton reports the BBC. Police are appealing for witnesses.
The trial of David Gilroy who is accused of murdering Suzanne Pilley who disappeared on 4 May 2010 reaches an important stage today when defence Q.C. Jack Davidson, makes his closing speech. Gilroy has decided not to give any evidence in his own defence according to The Daily Record who have a fuller report.


Haunted tunnels under Edinburgh’s streets have emerged as one of the country’s best-rated tourist attractions.

Despite the fact hardly anyone will have heard of it, Gilmerton Cove beat the city’s castle, zoo and the National Museum of Scotland on website TripAdvisor.

The spooky network of tunnels and chambers only opened ten years ago and just 12 visitors are allowed in at a time and they have to book.

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A group of investors in the stricken Royal Bank of Scotland have employed City solicitors, Bird & Bird to help them make a claim against the bank for their losses following the 2008 rights issue. They have named former chief executive, Fred Goodwin, and former chairman, Sir Tom McKillop, in the letter of claim which they have issued giving 30 days notice of possible court action.


Firefighters are reminding people in the Lothian and Borders area to contact the fire and rescue service immediately by dialling 999 if they hear a smoke alarm sounding or believe there is a fire in a property.

The warning comes after a number of recent post-fire investigations revealed cases where people had heard a smoke alarm sounding or suspected a fire but for various reasons did not call the fire and rescue service immediately. Sometimes they phoned someone else first for advice on what to do or they went to investigate before raising the alarm potentially putting themselves and others at risk of becoming involved in a fire situation.