The Newsroom, a city-centre bar located on Edinburgh’s Leith Street will feature on Channel 4’s new series ‘Quiz Trippers’ next week – chosen as a filming venue because of its highly popular and wacky quiz nights, hosted by the hugely entertaining quiz master Dr Paul! He has set up our very own quiz which you can try out below.

The show follows five avid quizzers who spend a week travelling around Scotland in a camper van to take part in a different local pub quiz each night.  Narrated by TV personality, Christopher Biggins, the team must rely on their wit and general knowledge to win the cash prize at each quiz.  And with only basic food and water supplies, the quizzers must decide how much, if any, of their winnings to spend on drink and more luxurious treats. Anything left over is theirs to keep.

But there’s a twist – only one member of the quiz team will walk away with the prize money at the end of the week. After each quiz, the team members must collectively decide who the most deserving winner is, and the person with the most votes at the end of the week is crowned overall winner.

Dr Paul has given us our very own quiz to amuse you….(no prizes just the satisfaction of knowing what you know…). You can email us the answers if you want to get a name check…but there are no prizes….

The Edinburgh Reporter Quiz

True or False: Elvis Presley weighed more than eighteen stones when he died?

In the French language all objects are either masculine or feminine, so what is the gender of cheese?

Which Mister Man lived in Nonsenseland and won the Nonsense Cup by painting the leaves of the trees green?

Within two inches, how long was the longest ever female beard?

What is taller: two mini-me’s or one Sylvester Stallone?

Anagram (famous person): DIAMOND KETTLE

According to a survey of 100 people, who would win a fight to the death (no weapons): Michael Caine or Lady Gaga?

True or False: Gravity is more powerful in London than it is in Edinburgh because London is nearer the equator?

In fifteen seconds, can you think of five movies that have one-word titles?

In 30 seconds can you think of five bands with insects in their name?

Answers will be published tomorrow……gives you time to argue among yourselves!

The first show is shown today at 5pm and runs every weekday until Friday 15th July – with The Newsroom being featured on Thursday 14 July at 5pm.

The Newsroom’s assistant manager Michael Hornig said: “We were approached by Channel 4 because they’d heard about our really popular and packed Thursday quiz nights, hosted by the legendary Dr Paul.  The five contestants from the show competed with about ten of our regular customer teams and what an evening we had!  The atmosphere was incredible.  Dr Paul, as usual, was on fire.

“This man puts a great deal of effort into his quiz nights, which are certainly different from your average one!  To celebrate being on the box next Thursday, we’re inviting people down to The Newsroom for a party and to watch the show at 5pm.  Do join us.”

The Newsroom
5-11 Leith Street
0131 557 5830