Who are you, and where did you come from?

My name is Matt Brown, I’m a freelance film and TV producer. I’ve lived in Edinburgh since 2002 and grew up in Yorkshire.

What do you think are your business strengths and weaknesses?

After many years of working in business I realised my strengths aren’t in business… but in creating films that can convey a strong message.

What was the defining moment on your career path that has got you where you are now?

I haven’t really had a defining moment in my career, my career progression has been on an upward gradient and I would like it to keep going! But the first time that a client approached me without my sales pitch and said that they saw my work and wanted to use me for some work that was the moment that I realized I had something that was of value and that was a great feeling.

How do you spend your spare time?

My spare time is filled with whatever exciting projects I can think of doing and watching films with my wife!

Do you think you achieve a good work/life balance?

I’m in a very lucky position of being able to get up everyday and do what I love; I don’t see my work as work but as my life.

What makes Edinburgh the best location for you to live and/or work?

Film making takes me all over the world and every time I finish I am so happy to return to Edinburgh. It isn’t the best location for work, but it is an amazing place to live and it is without doubt the most beautiful city I’ve ever been so to live here is amazing.

What is your special area of Edinburgh, or special place in Edinburgh and why?

Portobello Beach used to be very special to me to go for a walk, especially in winter when its raining and windy and the sea is really rough as it was always deserted. Now however, I’ve just moved and now the Botanics is a great place to relax and walk. Some of the views of Edinburgh are stunning when you get up to the high points in the gardens.

What would you consider the pinnacle of your career?

I haven’t got to a pinnacle yet and hopefully I never will. I always want to keep achieving and producing work that is better than the last project. But some of the highlights have been producing a TV show for the BBC and also filming a documentary in the Gobi dessert.

Who are your business heroes?

I had the honour a few months ago of having a meeting with Sir Alex Ferguson. It was amazing to sit with him and listen to his stories. He is an amazing man who has made every team he has been a part of a success. To keep doing that for 25+ years is a real achievement.

What are your business goals for the next year?

This year my main aim is to get my feature documentary released, and for it to go down well!

Describe your typical day for us.

Every day is different but when I’m not filming I will get up at 7am check my emails have a cup of tea! Then start emailing my clients, if I have projects to finish I will do that, then go to meetings. I do a lot of work abroad so usually in the evening I will hold one or 2 conference calls with people in the States or Hong Kong and then wrap everything up for around 12pm or 1 depending on how much talking I do!

Best job advice you ever received?

If it’s not fun you’re not doing it right, was the best bit of advice I ever received.
So now if I’m not enjoying a project I’ll look at what’s going wrong with it and fix it because filmmaking is a lot of fun!

Your plan of attack for the next 12 months?

Over the next 12 months I want to get a few feature documentaries out and distributed. I also have a TV show I’m working on at the moment. I would like to get that looking great and then get some more shows, as they are a lot of fun to do as well.

showreel2011upload from matt brown on Vimeo.

Email: matt.films@me.com
LinkedIn: uk.linkedin.com/in/mattbrownfilms
Blog: http://mattbrownfilms.blogspot.com/