I am pleased that yesterday the Council approved a balanced and sustainable budget for 2011/2012. In line with what residents and businesses told us in response to our biggest ever budget consultation exercise this budget protects front line services; provides additional investment for children and for those most in need of care and underpins the City’s economic competitiveness and prosperity. Council Tax has also been frozen in Edinburgh for the fourth successive year.

It has not been an easy process as we face at least £90 million savings over three years and the most difficult financial climate for many years. Difficult choices had to be made. I am confident though that this budget is the best possib le for the City and those who live, work, study and chose to invest in it.
As we look to the future we cannot afford to be complacent – we must continue to look at innovative ways of providing essential services while ensuring that we protect, develop and invest in Edinburgh’s future.
Councillor Jenny Dawe
Leader – City of Edinburgh Council

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