MP for Edinburgh West Mike Crockart has tabled a motion to parliament calling for Edinburgh Airport to reconsider its drop-off charges at the airport.

The text of the motion is :

That this House regrets the decision by BAA to introduce a £1 drop-off charge at Edinburgh Airport; notes that BAA have failed to consult widely with customers ahead of its introduction; further notes that for a large percentage of customers, including the elderly, those with children and those who travel early in the morning or late at night, taking public transport to the airport is not a viable option, and urges Edinburgh Airport to stop the drop-off charge.
Speaking in Westminster, Mike said:
“BAA is acting far too hastily in implementing these charges without any consultation or input from the public.”
“The proposed charges would have a disproportionate effect on the elderly and those with children as it is often much more difficult for them to take the current public transport links and they will struggle most with the proposed free bus link from the new free drop-off area.
“Ideally the airport should wait and see the effect that full transport links to the airport, currently under development including the tram and its connection to the national rail network, will have on the number of customers being dropped off by car.
“I once again urge BAA to reconsider the drop off charges which I feel are unfair to a significant number of passengers and will do little to solve the current problem.”