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Tag: The City of Edinburgh Council

Tales of One City

The blog from City of Edinburgh Libraries has much to commend it.....but particularly the photos from their evening of vintage fashion on 21st October. Here they are - aren't they lovely? And if you...

Have a recycling Hallowe’en at the Waste Aware cabin

A spookily good family event at Edinburgh’s largest recycling centre will take place this weekend.Why not celebrate Halloween with a visit to the Waste Aware Cabin? This Saturday, the cabin is having...

Dangers of fireworks highlighted by play

An informative play about the dangers of misusing fireworks will be performed for pupils in fourteen Edinburgh secondary schools in the lead-up to Guy Fawkes Night. The annual play teaches children about the...

Electric blanket exchange!

As the colder weather bites the City of Edinburgh Council is running an electric blanket exchange at Oxgangs Library.The Council is urging people to check their electric blankets are safe and is...

Bye-law being used to discourage anti-social behaviour

The City of Edinburgh Council and Lothian and Borders Police will use bye-law powers to help deal with anti-social drinkers at a site in the city centre.The Council and Police have been...

Developers urged not to forget affordable housing

Housing developers are being urged to get on board with a scheme aimed at building more affordable homes in the Capital.The National Housing Trust (NHT) scheme, being led by the Scottish Government and the...

The Tram Project

Yes, trams were on the agenda at the full council meeting yesterday and they were dealt with. Agenda item 8.1 referred to the Tram Update Report which we have already highlighted in an earlier article....

Lothian Buses – protest against merger with Tram company

Prior to the Council meeting on 14th October there was a sizeable group of Lothian Buses employees gathered outside to protest against the proposed merger of Lothian Buses with the Tram Project into one...

Council appoints Link Housing to homeless contract

The contract for one of the City of Edinburgh Council’s pioneering homeless services has been awarded.Link Group Ltd will be delivering the Private Sector Leasing (PSL) scheme which provides a major source of rented...

City Summit on Friday

Leaders from all sectors will gather this week in Edinburgh, ahead of the UK Government Spending Review, to debate the capital city's future.The City Summit, being held on Friday, 15 October, organised by The...

How is the council coping with the elderly

by Councillor Paul EdieScotland is faced with steep rises in numbers of older people. A 20% increase in over 85s is projected over the next five years. This figure is significant because your...

Pig composting……in Bonaly

Some people may think composting is a 'pig of a job' - however a new funky composter is set to make the job more fun.Roly Poly Pig is set to be delivered to...

Council using new funding model for waterfront development

An £84 million investment in Edinburgh's waterfront is to be progressed using a new method of public financing.The project has the potential to unlock £660 million of private investment and create up to 4,900...

New Library stock policy

Councillor Deidre Brock, Culture and Leisure Convenor, outlined the new library stock policy which was agreed by the Culture and Leisure Committee at their meeting on 14 September.She said: "In these...

Bobbies on the beat

Communities in Edinburgh will see more 'bobbies on the beat' with a significant enhancement to local policing that comes into effect this week.Councillor Paul Edie, Community Safety Leader for the City...

1000 new homes for Scotland

A funding initiative expected to generate £130 million and provide 1000 new homes for rent across Scotland moved a step closer today.Under the National Housing Trust (NHT), spearheaded by The Scottish Government and Scottish...

Fostering – are you interested?

Edinburgh is to make a big call for more foster carers during next Sunday's X Factor programme.The Council's foster care team have taken out a series of economical adverts which will run...

Council savings of £16m to be implemented immediately

The City of Edinburgh Council has approved a range of savings at its recent meeting amounting to £16m in the first phase of what will be a three year savings exercise. The cuts...

Appointment of new Chief Executive at Council approved

The City of Edinburgh Council has approved the appointment of Sue Bruce as its new chief executive.Ms Bruce was confirmed as the successful candidate at Thursday's meeting of the Council.

Blind leading the blind?

Even Councillor Andrew Burns in his blog had predicted that the most contentious issue to be discussed at the full council meeting today would be whether or not to close the Blindcraft factory....

Council Road Services Department get award

The Road Services Department at The City of Edinburgh Council has won a prestigious public service award.We are sure that you, like us, will have to read this article a couple of times...

Council Leader’s monthly report

The City of Edinburgh Council Leader, Jenny Dawe, has just published her monthly report on The City of Edinburgh Council website. You can find it by clicking hereIt includes details of the Papal visit...

Move to create more allotments

As the trend for growing your own vegetables and flowers continues to grow, The City of Edinburgh Council is set to create more allotment plots.This weekend the Council will be launching the new Allotments...

Our City Our Future programme

Edinburgh residents will today be encouraged to participate in an unprecedented engagement programme to help shape Council services in the future.At best, the Council says it has to make £90 million of savings in...

Launch of the Edinburgh Lectures

A host of illustrious speakers has been lined up to examine the concept of the city for the upcoming Edinburgh Lectures 2010/11 series.Entitled 'Talking Cities', the theme for The Edinburgh Lectures programme, which will...

New council website

The City of Edinburgh Council believes it will make major savings following the launch of its new website. Scheduled to go live on 15 September, the site at www.edinburgh.gov.uk will  provide   easier ways...

Offenders put to work

A new pilot project, which will see teams of low level offenders on community service being sent out to fix fallen cemetery headstones, was launched in Edinburgh today.Under the initiative, gravestones will be repaired...

Council Leader’s Report

The Leader of The City of Edinburgh Council, Jenny Dawe, is charged with the responsibility of writing a report which is then published on the website. It seems there was no need for a...

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