Work began a month ago today in Roseburn Park on the new community café which is being created from the old toilet block there.
The Friends of Roseburn Park (FoRP)are reporting on progress every...
The Rt Hon Lord Provost Frank Ross cut the symbolic ribbon on the historic mural in Roseburn Park which has appeared there over the last three days.
Kieran Gorman of Zap Graffiti Arts, who...
When the flood works were being carried out in Roseburn, Friends of Roseburn Park (FoRP) wanted to secure some of the felled trees for recycling.
Sadly the tree that was removed from the park was...
The council is set to lease the disused toilet block in Roseburn Park to the Friends of Roseburn Park (FoRP) for £1 a year for 25 years.
The plan is that the organisation will then...