Edinburgh as a Film Venue

The Reporter spotted David Tennant the other day outside The Caledonian Hotel being filmed for A Single Man.Proof then that Edinburgh and all its...

The Botanics

According to their website The Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh were ‘Founded in the 17th century as a physic garden….’Physic means the science of healing...

Billy Elliot

The Reporter was lucky enough to go and see Billy Elliot last year in London.But now we have a different kind of show here...

Edinburgh Science Festival

So The Edinburgh Reporter went to The Science Festival.....It seemed appropriate (and necessary) to bring along great-nephew Craig who is 10. So the choice...

Peter Pan

The National Theatre of Scotland brings Peter Pan to the Festival Theatre, Edinburgh from Tuesday 8 to Saturday 12 June, presenting a brand new...

Musselburgh Races

The signs are that Musselburgh Ladies Day is heading for a fourth successive sell out.The switch to a Friday race day from the traditional...

Girls Night Out

Girls’ Night Out is a brand new production of Dave Simpson’s phenomenally successful play.It appears at The Festival Theatre, Edinburgh from Tuesday 25 to...

A drunk man looks at the thistle

Scotland’s most inimitable contemporary musical virtuosos Red Note Ensemble are once again going on a lyrical tour of Scotland.Dedicated to developing and performing interesting...

National Museums Scotland

History’s at the heart of 2010 with an exciting line up of new exhibitions at Scotland’s five National Museums.The Lewis Chessmen, the 200th anniversary...

National Museums Scotland

The Lewis Chessmen: Unmasked National Museum of Scotland 21 May – Sun 19 Sept Special Exhibitions gallery, Level 3 Free Featuring chessmen drawn from the...